Biomin® BioStabil - mixture homofermentative and heterofermentative bacteria to ensure optimal anaerobic and aerobic
stability of silage.
Biomin® BioStabil Plus is used for ensiling meadow grasses, clover, alfalfa, cereal crops, etc. for cattle of all age categories.
This effect is achieved due to the rapid and complete acidification of silage, ensuring a high level of stability after the opening of hay storages.
Advantages of using Biomin BioStabil Plus:
- a rapid decrease in the level of acidity (pH) in silage;
-effective use with any fodder crops and with different composition of dry matter;
- a high level of lactic acid synthesis with a proper level of acetic acid synthesis;
-aerobic stability (up to 7 days), regardless of the fodder culture used;
-low losses of dry matter after opening of silage storages;
- the best indicators of reducing the level of acidity, increasing the synthesis of fermenting acids, increasing stability and minimizing losses.
Plant raw materials before ensiling must be compacted and isolated from air access in silage trenches or rolls. Errors made in the silage process cannot be corrected even with our product.
Biomin® BioStabil Plus is non-toxic, does not cause corrosion and does not contain genetically modified microorganisms.