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Earth robots Vyshgorod, Kyiv Region
Земляные работы Вышгород
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site, Garden: Services

= Earth robots Vyshgorod, Kiev region

Ціна350 грн.
region: Kiev region To order the protuberance of earthly work in Vyshgorod, Kiev or in any settlement of the point of Kiev region can simply be chosen in our company.
Заказать производство земляных работ в Вышгороде, Киеве или в любом населенном пункте киевской области можно просто обратившись в нашу компанию.
= In a core of the lacks, the earthly work of any complexity and the volume in the Vyshgorod, across the Kiev region and in the city of Kiev.
= We all can order the earthly work in a handwriting manner and when assisting special technical techniques:
= Trenches;
Kotka Kotlovanov;
Planning a PTEK IN THE Special Techniques;
Transferring soil on wheelbarrows with manual planning;
The excellence of the land and the museum of the land; (//
Puncture under roads, platforms, lands;
Relieving the Sign;
Спиливание деревьев;
Корчевание пней;
Демонтаж зданий, различных конструкций;
Asphalt and concrete;
Laying a lump, pipes, cables.
We redeem the fulfillment of the equipment for the protuberance of earthly work and dismantling. = reviews, info.
Магазин, контакти
Дмитрий /  відгуки, інфо./= Estimation of Activity
Phone: +380xxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Show
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Telegram: +380938271007
Viber: +380938271007
Whatsapp: +380938271007
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Додано / Оновлено: 05-02-2025 14:09   (Topical, to: 05-02-2026)
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