Fertilizer composition:
The content of physiologically active forms of hydrogen salts:
Humic acids - 4,5 %, fulvic acids - 1.8 %;
Macronutrient content in plants accessible to the form:
Калію ( К2О) - 0,9 %, Азоту - 0,5 %, Фосфору (Р2О5) - 0,32 %;
The content of trace elements in the form available to plants (AAB):
Manganese - 3.40 mg/kg, sulfur - 0.18 %, zinc - 0.16 mg/kg, copper - 0.10 mg/kg.
Quality Guarantee
The derived formula of fertilizer technologist is confirmed by the conclusions, certificates of quality, certificates, patent KM №131683
ТАРА: пляшка 1 л, каністра 5, 10, 20 л,
Euro Cubb= 1000 l
(// tractor-service.com)
Напрямок застосування:
Crop production: soil cultivation before cultivation and main application of fertilizers, treatment of seeds, fertilization, earnings of crop residues (
= straw) в грунт з додаванням гумату.
Овочівництво: обробка ґрунту перед культивацією і основним внесенням добрив, обробка насіння, підживлення (полив), обробка по вегетації.
Gardening: soaking seedlings, fertilization with fertilizers (reduction of fertilizer dose), spraying on vegetation, rooting of cuttings.
Flower growing, forestry: soaking seeds, bulbs, rhizomes before planting, fertilizing with fertilizers (reducing the dose of fertilizers), spraying on vegetation, rooting cuttings.
Decorative and parking gardening: soaking seedlings, fertilizing with fertilizers (reducing the dose of fertilizers), feeding lawns together with nitrogen fertilizers, spraying on vegetation, rooting cuttings, preparation of nutrient compost from precipitation and other plant residues.