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/= ...) == Weigel - Decorative Handwriter, Kherson Region... / Різні декоративні рослини + в асортименті
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Вейгела - декоративный кустарник, Херсонська обл.
Вейгела - декоративный кустарник
Вейгела - декоративный кустарник Вейгела - декоративный кустарник Вейгела - декоративный кустарник
all photos== 19 pcs
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wagela - decorative handwriter, Kherson region

price= 70= UAH || | 160
Регіон: All Ukraine, Kherson region   (Херсон)
Wegel-ornamental richly flowering handicraft, which is reflected in the seizure of honeysuckle. This is a garden garden, which is possible to hold any kind of garden. A non -powerfully beautiful custard in the periode of colors, the cogd on the ego whistling Vetjamim lowered the brushes. From the middle of the middle of Maya to the middle of June Weigel, you split the flowers, the pier of the decoration of meady: only what is the stretching of the colors - the bloused, but the laid it becomes young. In the end of Augustus - September Weigel blossoms again, but the red flower is not so fiscal, as the first one. What are the use of decoratives, for 2-3 hours the needful cutting of the wounded wards.
= Weigel predicts the solonechnye parties or a weak porch.
= Hastly efficient kak in single and group plantings. Weigel often embolus into the stamping of the garden composition. It is put into any design project. Hey will be good in the flowerbed area and introduces in park landscape projects.
= For the sale of 2 and 3-point varieties of varieties in the photo .|| 176
= Even the second handgiers of Ryabinnik, diatia, jasmine, forsycia, spires of 5 varieties, hibiscus wooden and grasses.
And many other ornamental pasten.
Stranging the second my announcement or on the Site:
"My flowerbed"
Больше информации на сайте "Моя Клумба": kherson-flower.ucoz.ua
= Store, contacts
Olga/= Reviews, Info./= Estimation of Activity || | 201
Phone: (066xxxxxxxx Display
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http: //kherson-flower.ucoz.ua/
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