ukr RUS
 / Pigs  / Various pigs + in assortment  / I will buy pigs with a live weight of 40 head in the enterprise...
I will buy
I will buy pigs with a live weight of 40 head in the enterprise and population, Cherkasy region.
Куплю свиней живою вагою от 40 гол в підприємст и населеня
I will buy

I will buy pigs live weight of 40 heads in enterprises and population, Cherkasy region.

Region: Cherkasia region.
The slaughterhouse buys pigs from different directions, about 40 goals, we work with both enterprises and the populationwe buy pigs 1-2-3 категоріі телефонуйте будем раді спрівпрацій
Author, contacts
Ruslan / відгуки, інфо. / activity evaluation
Phone: 3809xxxxxx show|| |166
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