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Yara Vita Teprosyn (YaraVita Teprosyn) NP + Zn - concentrated liquid fertilizer, Kyiv region.
Яра Віта Тепросин (YaraVita Teprosyn) NP + Zn - концентроване рідке добриво
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Яра Віта Тепросин (YaraVita Teprosyn) NP + Zn - концентроване рідке добриво, Київська обл.

Price1900 UAH.
Регіон: Kyiv region. (Vyshhorodok)
YaraVita Teprosyn NP + Zn – Концентроване рідке добриво з високим вмістом фосфору та цинку, розроблене спеціально для передпосівної обробки насіння.

Elemental composition: N 9%, P 6.6%, Zn 18%
Form: liquid
Processing method: seed processing
Purpose: wheat, barley, rye, oats, triticale,corn, rapeseed, soybeans, peas,sunflower, sorghum, millet
Manufacturer: Yara (UK)
Packaging: 10 l canister, the price is for the canister.

YaraVita Teprosyn NP + Zn is a concentrated liquid fertilizer with a high content of phosphorus and zinc, designed specifically for pre-sowing seed treatment.
Designed to provide plants with the necessary energy during seed germination. The fertilizer promotes the activation of root absorption and stimulates seeds to germinate faster, as well as increases germination and accelerates germination in the field. Plants whose seeds were treated with YaraVita Teprosyn NP + Zn have higher resistance to drought, negative effects of high and low temperatures and other adverse factors. It is possible to usefertilizers together with poisons.

- Provides friendly seedlings due to the formation of a strong root system(//
- Plants get enhanced immunity and increased resistance to stress.
- The suspension concentrate formulation is applied evenly and safely.
- The product is formulated with adhesives that provoke the slow release of trace elements, which provides plants with the necessary nutrition in the root zone during its germination.
- Liquid formulation allows mixing with many fungicides and insecticides used for seed protection

Spending rate:
* wheat, barley, rye, oats, triticale - 3-4 l/t,
* corn - 4-6 l/t,
* rapeseed - 8-12 l/t,
* soybeans, peas - 6-8 l/t,
* sunflower - 6-8 l/t,
* sorghum, millet - 3-5 l/t.
* carrots - 10-15 l/t. seeds,
* tomato - 10-15 l/ton. seeds,
* sugar beet - 3-8 l/t of seeds.
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Phone: +38( xxxxxx show
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Added / Updated: 09-03-2024 08:31  (current, until: 03-09-2025)
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