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Sunshine 1P seed potato. 20 kg, Dnipropetrovsk region.
Картофель семенной Саншайн 1Р. 20 кг
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Sunshine seed potatoes 1R. 20 kg, Dnipropetrovsk region.

Price700 UAH.
Region: Dnipropetrovsk region.   (Dnipropetrovsk region. city of Dnipro f/m Poplar-2)
Purpose: Товарна картопля
Designation: Commercialpotatoes
Product characteristics:
Degree of ripening: Ultra earlyType: Sown seedsTypes: Edible
Product description
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Manufacturer - Solana GmbH & Co. (Germany)
Peel color - Yellow
Flesh color - Yellow(//
Culinary type - B
The number of root crops per bush is from 18 to 20 pcs.
Ripeness is early.
Duration - 8 months
Fraction of planting material: 50-70 grams.
Certificate of quality available.

Seed potato Sunshine is an excellent table variety, which is distinguished by bright and leveled root crops. Due to its smooth yellow peel, it has an excellent marketable appearance. Earlypotato variety (40-45 days) quickly forms tubers and is resistant to diseases. Ideal for packing in nets, cooking. It is transported and stored without loss of product type.
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Ad ID: #1060528 (added by a registered user, registration date: 03-07-2019)
Added / Updated: 07-23-2024 06:56  (current, until: 07-23-2025)
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