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/= Services for Agriculture/ Shock frost  /  Шокова заморозка ягід. Послуга
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= Shock freezing of berries. Service, Kyiv region
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Shock freezing of berries. Service, Kyiv region

region: all Ukraine, = Kiev region .Nozhilovichi)   (Киевская обл., Макаровский район, с.Нежиловичи)
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= LLC "AGROVESNA-Market" offers:
- послугу предпродажної підготовки, охолодження, сортування, упаковки, палетування продукції;
= - service Shock freezing of all kinds of species of berries, fruits;
= - Realization of fresh Yagoda=;
= - Realization of frozen products;
- service for forming the party for export; (//
- service to remove the peduncle.

Convenient transportation location (65th kilometer Kiev-Zhytomyr).
Modern technologies and experience of our employees guarantee quality service provision.

- by issue of service frosts and pre-sales preparation 067-xxxxxx h!
"Агровесна-маркет" - свежие и замороженные ягоды круглый год!
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