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Khotyn DB corn seeds, FAO 280 (drought resistant), Kyiv
Семена кукурузы ДБ Хотин, ФАО 280 (засухоустойчевый)
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Khotyn DB corn seeds, FAO 280 (drought resistant), Kyiv

Price800 UAH.
Region:all of Ukraine, Київ
Grain destination: Посівний матеріал
Quantity: 90 tons
Corn seeds DB Khotyn, FAO 280 ( drought-resistant).
Originator: DU IZK NAAN Ukraine.
Simple modified mid-early hybrid-FAO 280.
Hybrid homeostatic type, southern ecotype,
characterized by significant resistance to drought and lodging.
Responds well to improving growing conditions.
Low harvesting humidity of grain.
Entered into the Register of Plant Varieties of Ukraine since 2015.
Direction of use -grain, silage.
The plant is 230-240 cm tall, does not bush.
The height of the initial attachment is 85-95 cm.
22-24 cm long,
cylindrical shape,
the number of rows of grains is 16-18,
the rod is red.
Grain yield is 81-83%.
Grain-tooth-like, yellow-orange,
sometimes red stripes appear.
The mass of 1000 grains is 280-300 g. 171
Содержание крахмала 73,4%, белка 8,2%
Real average yield-90/110 t.ha., potential-135 t.ha.

Cultivation zone - Steppe, Forest Steppe, Polesie.
Recommended pre-harvest density in the zone;
Steppes 50-55, thousand pc/ha.
Forest steppes 75-80 thousand pc/ha.
Polesie 90 thousand pc/ha.

All seeds passed;
calibration (separation by fractions),(//
incrustation with fungicides,

For households with an organic form of agriculture,
We offer non-treated seeds.

Packaging unit 80,000 thousand (seeding unit, branded bag, 192
вес мешка зависит от фракции) ,
calculated on the sowing area - 1ha., 1.1ha.
Price-p.ed. from 700 to 1200 hryvnias (depending on the fraction and quantity).
In comparison with foreign analogues
from the companies Evralys, Pioner, Syngenta, Monsanto at a price of 2000 UAH per unit, other things being equal - THE CHOICE IS OBVIOUS.

Agronomic support, consultations-
subject to the purchase of our seeds.
Мы семеноводческое хозяйство,

Form of payment;
beznal with VAT,
without VAT,
imposed payment
(payment at the post office after receiving and inspecting the goods)
carriers - N. Post, In Time, Delivery,
pickup from our warehouse,
accompanying transport-(depends on the volume of the order).
The possibility of partial crediting is discussed individually!

t.098 448 29 88
t.066 281 42 43
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S.V. Odoevsky reviews, info. / activity evaluation
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Ad ID: #1024341 (added by a registered user, registration date: 03-14-2011)
Added / Updated: 09-30-2024 10:24  (current, until: 30-09-2025)
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