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Carpathian Mountains honey, Transcarpathian region.
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Carpathian mountains honey, Transcarpathian region.

Price125 грн.
Region:all of Ukraine, Transcarpathian region. (Mukachevo)
Honey, collected in clean areas of Transcarpathia. Own apiary, unique botanical composition, aroma and taste that will not leave you indifferent:) Honey soap, candles made of natural, fragrant waxwax. В наличии and other products from the apiary, professional consultations on apitherapy.
We also grow and sell purebred Carpathian queens.
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Ad ID: #1023918 (added by a registered user, registration date: 04-28-2020)
Added / Updated: 08-17-2024 11 :14  (current, until: 08-17-2025)
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