Антихрущ - Новітній інсектицид та протруйник контактно-кишкової дії, який забезпечує рішення цілого комплексу проблем захисту від шкідників сільськогосподарських культур та
плодово-ягідних насаджень.
Хімічний склад: Неорганічні
Preparative form: Emulsion concentrate
Minimum temperature of effective action: 5 degrees.
Cultivated crops: Cabbage, tomatoes, fruit trees, potatoes, cereals
Active ingredient: Imidacloprid, Bifenthrin
Harmful objects:
Leafhoppers, Glassworm, Sawfly, Cabbage whitefly, Soil pest complex, Stock pests, Common spider mite, Long-nosed weevil, Onion fly, Aphid, Bug, Scale, Cutworm, Flower eater, Fruit eaters, Cherry fly, Whitefly, Hairy whitefly, Locust, Mites, Cruciferous Fleas, Cabbage bug, Leafhopper, Scoop, Beet fly, Thrips, Grape phylloxera, Caterpillar, Moths, Colorado potato beetle, Beet flea, Felt grape mite (scab mite)
Nature of pesticide action: Selective
Maximum effective temperature: 25 degrees.
Manufacturer: UKRAVIT
Packaging: 5 l canister, the price is for 1 l. 159
Двокомпонентний контактно-системний інсекто-акарицид для захисту сільськогосподарських культур від комплексу шкідників.
a wide range of protective action;
high efficiency and low toxicity;
ecologically safe method of application with soil penetration;
prevention of development of resistance;
low consumption rate;
extremely long term of protective action;
absence of phytotoxicity (the drug is safe for culture
with recommended compliance with application regulations);
strong acaricidal effect;
effective against the main stages of pest development: larvae, adults.
Regulations of application:
Culture - Spectrum of action - Consumption rate of the drug - Method, processing time
* Potatoes, cabbage
Larvae of beetles, Colorado potato beetle, wireworms, false wireworms, potato moth, caterpillars of nibbling scoops
10 ml per 5-10 liters of water per 1 acre.
Spraying the soil (hole, planting row) before planting the crop. Spraying should be sufficient and uniform.
Cabbage, tomatoes
Larvae of beetles, Colorado potato beetle, aphids, thrips, whiteflies (in closed soil), main types of ticks
10 ml per 1 liter of water.
those seedlings before planting it in the soil in the working solution for 1-2 hours. Soak only the root system! The remainder of the working solution is diluted to 10 liters and poured after planting.
Seedlings of fruit trees
Larvae of roaches, wireworms, false wireworms, caterpillars of gnawing scoops, main types of mites
10 ml per 1-2 liters of water.
Practical experience of using the drug:
Raspberries, strawberries, fruit trees
Larvae of roaches, wireworms, false wireworms, caterpillars of gnawing scoops, cabbageworm
10 ml per 5 liters of water per 0.2 acres.
Root irrigation. Water abundantly with the working solution under the plant.
The maximum number of treatments per season is 1.
Antikhrushch - Extremely powerful insecticide of contact-intestinal action, which provides a solution to a complex of problems of protection against pests of agricultural crops and fruit and berry plantations
Preparative form: Suspension concentrate
Active substance: Imidacloprid 100 g/l Bifenthrin 100 g/l
Chemical group: Synthetic pyrethroids + neonicotinoids
Toxicity: WHO classification: hazard class 3
The deadline for workers to leave the treated areas for mechanized work is 3 days, for manual work - 7 days after treatment; for soil application and seed treatment - not established
Packaging: 5 l, the price is indicated for 1 l.
Advantages of the drug:
• a wide range of protective action;
• high efficiency and low toxicity;
• a safe method of application with earning into the soil;
• prevention of the development of resistance;
• low consumption rate;
• a long period of protective action;
• lack of phytotoxicity (the drug is safe for culture when used as recommended);
• exhibits acoricidal properties;
• effective against the main stages of pest development: larvae, adults.
Compatible with other pesticides and agrochemicals, except alkaline. When etching, it is possible to use with drugs of fungicidal and stimulating action. Before preparing the tank mixture, it is necessary to conduct a test mixing (absence of sediment, foam, delamination, whipping into lumps, incomplete dissolution of one drug, etc.).
Mechanism of action:
Contact system action. ANTIKRUSH includes two insecticidal active substances of the new generation, which interact and complement each other. ANTIKRUSH - insecticide
contact-intestinal action that affects the central nervous system of harmful insects, blocking vital functions, which leads to their rapid death. In addition, anti-krushch indirectly reduces the infection of plants with diseases, as it effectively acts on pests that not only damage the culture, but also create favorable conditions for the development of secondary fungal and viral infections. Thus, thanks to its combined action ANTIKHRUSH provides reliable protection of a number of crops from a complex of pests.
The rate of consumption of the working solution: 200-300 l/ha, 500-1000 l/ha - fruit plantations.
During pickling: corn 10-15 l/t, sunflower 12-15 l/t.
Application features:
To protect vegetable crops (potatoes, cabbage, tomatoes), planting holes and seedlings of crops are subject to spraying. Seedlings are planted on the day of processing. Treatment of trees against rusts is carried out by subjugated irrigation during the vegetation period of the crown with minimal lateral air flows. When spraying, try to ensure continuous coverage of the treated area with the working liquid. During pretreatment, seed moisture should be 1% lower than the standard one to avoid the possibility of self-heating of seeds after treatment. Use only high-quality, calibrated and freed from foreign impurities seeds. The optimal processing temperature is 12-25°C.