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Publications  / AgroSpring 2020: photo report

AgroSpring 2020: photo report

February 18 - 20 the International Exhibition Center once again hosted the most practically oriented exhibition event in our country "AgroSpring 2020", for which we should thank the team of Kyiv International Contract Fair LLC. This event unites 3 exhibitions - "Grain Technologies", Agro Animal Show and "Fruits. Vegetables. Logistics", which are zoned in 3 pavilions. And exhibitors and visitors, as always, benefit from mutual communication before the start of the new season. It is worth noting that it is at this event that they try to present new equipment and technologies that are both high-tech and affordable to agricultural producers.

As part of AgroSpring 2020, Germany Day and France Day were traditionally held. The Grain Industry Forum 2020 was held for the second time as part of the 10th international exhibition "Grain Technologies 2020". Flour. Processing.

The Association of Livestock Breeders of Ukraine organized a three-day Agro Animal It Forum as part of the Agro Animal Show 2020 exhibition, the purpose of which was to acquaint agribusiness participants with the digital innovations of the industry and the latest breeding technologies in animal husbandry, as well as the presentation of scientific developments in digital - animal husbandry.

The international conference "Efficient Poultry Farming", held on the first day of the exhibition, was devoted to the safety of poultry products and technical equipment of poultry farms.

Opening of the exhibition (photo from http://

Opening of the exhibition (photo from

Expositions of the "Grain Technologies" exhibition

Expositions of the "Grain Technologies" exhibition

Expositions of the "Grain Technologies" exhibition

Expositions of the "Grain Technologies" exhibition

Expositions of the "Grain Technologies" exhibition| ||132

Експозиції виставки "Зернові технології"

Expositions of the "Grain Technologies" exhibition

Expositions of the "Grain Technologies" exhibition

Expositions of the "Grain Technologies" exhibition "

Expositions of the exhibition "Grain Technologies"

Expositions of the exhibition "Grain Technologies"

Expositions of the exhibition "Fruits. Vegetables. Logistics": you can not only delight the eye with high-quality technologies and equipment, but also the stomach with something unusual - you can taste freshly cooked snails. Snail dishes are gaining more and more popularity in the territory of Ukraine.

Expositions of the "Grain Technologies" exhibition

Expositions of the exhibition "Grain Technologies"

Expositions of the exhibition "Grain Technologies"

Expositions of the exhibition "Grain Technologies"

Expositions of the exhibition "Fruits. Vegetables. Logistics"

Експозиції виставки "Фрукти. Овочі. Логістика"

Експозиції виставки "Фрукти. Овочі. Логістика"

Експозиції виставки "Фрукти. Овочі. Логістика"

Expositions of the exhibition "Fruits. Vegetables. Logistics"

Expositions of the exhibition "Fruits. Vegetables. Logistics"

Expositions of the exhibition "Agro Animal Show"

Even for children there are interesting things, and than to take a picture behind the wheel of the equipment

Technologies of precision agriculture: agrodrone - a novelty, a good price alternative to what is available on the market of Ukraine

Technologies of precision agriculture: an agrodrone - a novelty a good price alternative to what is available on the market of Ukraine (in a ready condition)

Expositions of the exhibition "Fruits. Vegetables. Logistics"

Expositions of the exhibition "Agro Animal Show"

Expositions exhibition "Agro Animal Show"

Exposures of the exhibition "Fruits. Vegetables. Logistics"

Exposures of the exhibition "Fruits. Vegetables. Logistics"

Expositions of the exhibition "Agro Animal Show"

Expositions of the exhibition "Agro Animal Show"

Expositions of the exhibition "Agro Animal Show"

Експозиції виставки "Agro Animal Show"

Expositions of the exhibition "Agro Animal Show"

Expositions of the exhibition "Agro Animal Show"

Expositions of the exhibition "Agro Animal Show"

Scientific publications of UkrNDIPVT named after L.Pohorily: collections about technology and technology

Scientific publications of UkrNDIPVT named after L.Pohorily: collections about technology and technologies

Photozone : not a single minute was empty...

Expositions of the exhibition "Agro Animal Show": powerful equipment for processing waste from animal husbandry

Expositions of the exhibition "Agro Animal Show": powerful equipment for processing waste livestock production

Expositions of the exhibition "Agro Animal Show"

Expositions of the exhibition "Agro Animal Show"

Expositions of the exhibition "Agro Animal Show"

Expositions of the exhibition "Agro Animal Show"

Expositions of the exhibition "Agro Animal Show"

Expositions of the exhibition "Agro Animal Show"

Expositions of the exhibition "Agro Animal Show"| ||414

Експозиції виставки "Agro Animal Show"

Interesting solution from Renault in the form of a practical truck

Expositions of the exhibition "Agro Animal Show"

Expositions exhibition "Agro Animal Show"

Expositions of the exhibition "Fruits. Vegetables. Logistics"

Exposures of the exhibition "Fruits. Vegetables. Logistics": technology of shock freezing - a guarantee of quality products.

Expositions of the exhibition "Fruits. Vegetables. Logistics"

Exposures of the exhibition "Fruits. Vegetables. Logistics"

Exposures of the exhibition "Fruits. Vegetables. Logistics"

Exposures of the exhibition "Fruits. Vegetables. Logistics": no one passed by this exhibit.

Expositions of the exhibition "Fruits. Vegetables. Logistics": such fans of their work deserve the most sincere respect...

Expositions of the exhibition "Fruits. Vegetables. Logistics": probably the most original stand at the exhibition.|| |474

Експозиції виставки "Фрукти. Овочі. Логістика": експонат майже в ріст; ось на таку глибину йде коріння. Й наглядний приклад навіщо використовувати посівний матеріал якісних сортів.

Expositions of the exhibition "Fruits. Vegetables. Logistics": packaging line

Expositions of the exhibition "Fruits. Vegetables. Logistics"

Експозиції виставки "Фрукти. Овочі. Логістика": експозиції із посадковими матеріалами картоплі завжди викликають цікавість у відвідувачів усіх ґатунків. Й завжди почуєш питання чи продається посадковий матеріал, який представлено.

Exposures of the exhibition "Fruits. Vegetables. Logistics": healthy snacks

Another stand with toys for small and "big" children

Expositions of the exhibition "Fruits. Vegetables. Logistics"

Expositions of the exhibition "Fruits. Vegetables. Logistics"

Expositions of the exhibition "Fruits. Vegetables. Logistics": view from the 2nd floor, namely the place where the Days of France and Germany are held.

Expositions of the exhibition "Fruits. Vegetables. Logistics": unusual berry crops are increasingly becoming common both among industrialists and in private estates

Expositions of the "Grain Technologies" exhibition: Chinese combines of the YTO brand are now in Ukraine, and will obviously be a good competition, especially in the segment of equipment for farmers. Combine harvesters were presented with a corn harvester...

and a grain harvester. Visually, there are no complaints about the quality. Quality product for your money. And the practical experience of operation will put all the dots.

Popular models of tractors are already offered with a cab. But it is also included in the price.

Discussions, comments on the Agro-forum
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