Интернет пестрит тематическими сайтами об использовании drones in agriculture, unprecedented prospects, economy of everything and everything, avalanche-like growth of profits. At the same time, the interest of agrarians is extremely cautious. If a few years ago at agricultural exhibitions the sky was dark from various drones, then in 2019 there were an order of magnitude fewer such demonstrations, which undoubtedly reflects the market trend. Did the use of this robotic technology not live up to the hopes of the producers? Let's try to understand the reasons, and there may be several of them:
Зарубежный опыт триумфального шествия дронов трудно масштабировать, с учетом наших реалий. В Китае, который благодаря компании DJI занимает лидирующие позиции на мировом рынке дронов, разработана государственная программа развития беспилотных технологий и внедрения летающих роботов в сельском хозяйстве. Аналогичные подходы в США. Украина имеет свои регламенты в вопросах развития и внедрения беспилотных технологий, и, на наше убеждение, сформирует свою программу развития этих высокоэффективных инновационных технологий в самых разных отраслях, а в сельском хозяйстве различные беспилотники станут привычным средством, выполняющим самые разные задачи.
A global trend in plant growing isprecision agriculture technologies, which provide for a differentiated approach within one field, which is essential increases the biological and economic efficiency of technological techniques, first of all, the application offertilizers and protective means. The times of the USSR, when fertilizers were cheap, affordable, supplied to even the most remote farms under the state program, have passed irrevocably, and the question of their rational application has become extremely urgent. Now there is a trend of growth in the cost of plant production, namely mineral fertilizers. The involvement of farms in the cultivation of fodder grain, which is less demanding of fertilizers, is also very risky, taking into account the reduction in the number of livestock in the country.
In technologically developed countries, the problem of optimal use of fertilizers was understood long ago and systems of differentiated application were developed for ground equipment based on methods of spectral assessments of plant condition. The most famous ones include GreenSeeker from Trimble Agriculture (USA), CropSpec from the Japanese company Topcon Positioning Systems, and N-sensor from Yara International from Norway. Such equipment made it possible to reduce the cost of fertilizer, obtain a better harvest and contribute to the improvement of the ecological situation.
The GreenSeeker system (photo from Trimble Agriculture website https://agriculture.trimble.com)
However, mass implementation of such equipment did not happen in our country for a number of reasons:
В этих условиях дроны имеют неплохие перспективы внедрения в аграрные практики именно в нашей стране.
Let's list the obvious components of these prospects:К дронам на агровыставках всегда повышенный интерес, как к относительно малым, задача которых мониторинг...
...and big, already functional...
...and very big...
...or even with internal combustion engine
Thus, we are confident of good prospects for crop production with thisinnovative equipment.