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Компанія Імекс Агро Imex Agro
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Company "Imex Agro"

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Біофунгіцид СпороМакс Т
328 hryvnias.
Biofungicide SporoMax T is a complex microbial-enzymatic preparation for combating pathogens on agricultural, vegetable and...Price: 328 UAH.
Біофунгіцид СпороМакс В
312 UAH.
SporoMax B biofungicide of a wide spectrum of action - for prevention and treatment of fungal and bacterial diseases in agricultural crops, fruit...Price: 312 UAH.
Рідкий концентрований інокулянт для кукурудзи та соняшнику BioStim Forte
798 UAH.
Liquid concentrated inoculant for corn and sunflower with simultaneous in-row application from RCD in a tank mix. COMPOSITION: Culture concentrate Tri...Price: UAH 798.
Комплексний інокулянт для зернових BioStim насіння
444 UAH.
BioStim inoculant seeds - a complex inoculant for pre-sowing seed treatment of cereal grain crops (spring and winter), with the aim of obtaining...Price: 444 UAH.
Інокулянт для технічних культур BioStim ТК
3963 грн.
BioStim TC - dry complex inoculant for pre-sowing treatment of rape, mustard, and sugar beet seeds. COMPOSITION: Antagonist crops...
Інокулянт для соняшника BioStim
3165 UAH.
Inoculant for sunflower BioStim - dry complex inoculant for pre-sowing treatment of sunflower seeds (in including poisoned). COMPOSITION: ...
Інокулянт для кукурудзи BioStim
3564 UAH.
Inoculant for corn BioStim - dry complex inoculant for pre-sowing treatment of corn seeds (including poisoned) . COMPOSITION: ...
Біологічний грунтовий інсекто-фунгіцид MetaRiz
311 hryvnias.
Biological soil insect-fungicide for protecting crops from pests and diseases in the soil INGREDIENTS: spores of the fungi Metarhizium anisopliae, Trichoderm...
Біотехнологічний інсектоакарицид Імексаб
1605 UAH.
Imexab is a biotechnological insectoacaricide of contact-intestinal action for the destruction of agricultural pests , decorative, forest and fruit trees...
Company "Imex Agro"