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Agrochemical laboratory worker

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3000 UAH.
Prism for refractometer IRF 454 B2. The main spare part of the device. We repair the refractometer IRF 454B2Price: 3000 UAH.
Сита лабораторные
450 UAH.
The laboratory sieve is produced with a shell diameter of 300 mm and 200 mm, respectively. The sieve shell is made of stainless steel or galvanized steel...Price: UAH 450.
Весы электронные Radwag AS 220.R2
Radwag AS 220 electronic laboratory scale R2 with a liquid crystal display and internal calibration for determining the mass of materials, subject...
Рассев лабораторный РЛУ, РЛ
Laboratory RLU, RLU-1 is used in the laboratories of the State Bread Inspections, and grain processing enterprises, for cold...
Портативный влагомер-щуп длиной 1м
The moisture meter-probe measures the humidity and temperature of 6 crops: wheat, barley, oats, rapeseed, sunflower, corn. The length of the probe is 1 m. Error - 0.3%....
Буферные калибровочные растворы
250 UAH.
The calibration solution is a solution that is a certified mixture, a standard sample and/or a comparison sample (the option is a sample set...Price: 250 UAH.
Растворы для заполнения электродов
200 UAH.
Solutions for filling electrodes KCl 3.0 mol/l or 3.5 mol/l pH-electrodes are sensitive measuring instruments that require proper...Price: 200 UAH.
Растворы для калибровки кондуктометров
200 UAH.
Solutions for calibrating conductometers, specific conductivities of solutions 12.88 mS/cm and 1413 μS/cm Calibration of the conductometer is carried out according to...
Анализатор жизнеспособности ячменя Sinar Germpro 7010
SEED VIABILITY ANALYZER GermPro 7010 Features: The SinarGermPro 7010 barley analyzer is a portable device that is convenient to use...
Анализатор влажности, температуры и натуры зерна Sinar6060
The moisture analyzer offers the fastest and a convenient solution for determining humidity, temperature and nature of grain. ВЕС, НАТУРНЫЙ называние...
Agrochemical laboratory worker