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 /  AgroSpecTrans 888    

AgroSpecTrans 888

Услуги дискования почвы
! The Agrospetstrans 888 enterprise provides soil discing services, as well as plowing, cultivation and sowing services. The company offers high-quality...
Услуги пахоты земли
. "Agrospetstrans 888" provides services for plowing fields, as well as disking, cultivation, spraying and sowing. We perform the entire complex of works. Author...
Услуги пахоты, дискования, культивации, посева, опрыскивателя и др., Украина
" The company "Agrospetstrans 888" provides services for processing fields with imported equipment: plowing, disking, spraying, cultivation, etc...
Аренда опрыскивателя
Fertilizer application, KAS, ZZR. The agricultural enterprise specializes in the provision of services for the application of liquid mineral fertilizers, herbicides and other sre...
Предоставляем услуги пахоты, вспашка земли, Украина
The agricultural enterprise "Agrospetstrans 888" provides field plowing services , as well as disking, cultivation, spraying and sowing. We complete the entire set...
Услуги дискования (дисковки), Украина
"Agrospetstrans 888" provides soil discing services, as well as plowing, cultivation and sowing services. The company offers high-quality te...
Обработка почвы: пахота, дискование, опрыскивание, культивация, посев культур
_ _ Plowing, disking, spraying, cultivation, sowing of crops, scattering of mineral fertilizers, etc. Assorted agricultural machinery...
Предоставляем УСЛУГИ ПО ПОСЕВУ зерновых и масличных культур, Украина
_ SERVICES ON SOWING of grain and oil crops_ The company's fleet includes tractors of world-famous brands (Fendt, Challendger, John-D...
Агропредприятие предоставляет услуги по ПАХОТЕ, ДИСКОВКЕ, ПОСЕВУ, КУЛЬТИВАЦИИ и др
Field cultivation services imported machinery: plowing, disking, spraying, cultivation, etc. Agricultural machinery in the assortment of compa...
Услуги трактора для обработки земли: пахота, культивация, дисковка и др
Tractor services for land cultivation: plowing, cultivation, disking, etc. The company "Agrospetstrans 888" provides services for the cultivation of impo...
Услуги по посеву с.х. культур, посевные работы
Services for sowing agriculture. crops, sowing works. The company's fleet includes tractors of world-famous brands (Fendt, Challenger, John-De...
Дискование почвы, дисковка
"Agrospetstrans 888" provides services for disking soil, as well as ploughing, cultivation and sowing. The company offers high-quality technology...
Услуги опрыскивателя
Услуга опрыскивателя. Агропредприятие специализируется на оказании услуг по внесению жидких минеральных удобрений, гербицидов и других средств защи...
Услуги культиватора, услуги культивации, Украина
. We provide services for the cultivation of fields, as well as plowing, discing, spraying and sowing. The range of equipment is presented by the world-famous...
Опрыскивание полей
Sprinkling of fields. Agricultural machinery in the company's assortment is represented by world-famous brands of agricultural equipment...
Предоставляем услуги культивации, Украина
We provide field cultivation services, as well as plowing, disking, spraying and sowing. The range of equipment is represented by world-famous b...
Услуги культиватора, а также дискование, посев, пахота
Cultivator services, as well as disking, sowing, plowing. The company "Agrospetstrans 888" provides services for the cultivation of fields, as well as plowing, discs...
Услуги по ОБРАБОТКЕ ПОЛЕЙ, Украина
The company "Agrospetstrans 888" provides services for the cultivation of fields import technique: plowing, disking, spraying, cultivation, sowing, etc. Issue...
Предоставляем услуги по ОБРАБОТКЕ ПОЧВЫ: вспашка(пахота), культивация, посев, опрыскивание
We provide services on SOIL TREATMENT: ploughing, cultivation, sowing, spraying. The company "Agrospetstrans 888" provides services for o...
Агропредприятие предоставляет услуги по пахоте, культивации, дискованию, посеву
- The agricultural enterprise "Agrospetstrans 888" provides services for plowing fields, and as well as disking, cultivation, spraying and sowing. Выполняем все комп...
AgroSpecTrans 888