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User ads - Bogdan Vladimirovich

Total found, announced: 79 (incl. archive). Shown: 20-40. Display mode:
Культиватор прицепной КПС-12ПМ (3-x секционный ) 5
667,800 UAH.
The KPS-12PM cultivator is intended for preparing the soil for sowing agricultural crops and taking care of crops. Construction of the cultivator KPS-12 P...Price: UAH 667,800.
Bohdan Vladimirovych,Kiev region., 10-11-2024, Will sell/buy
Мульчер соломы у валках УСМ-170 5
79,000 UAH.
Width of the shredded roll, m up to 2.3 PTO revolutions of the tractor, rev./min. 540 Rotor revolutions, rev./min. 3000 Type of working bodies System of straight knives and...Price: UAH 79,000.
Bohdan Vladimirovych,Kyiv region., 10-11-2024, Will sell/buy
Мульчер ПРР-280 - профессиональный измельчитель для работы на больших площадях 8
115,000 UAH.
Height of ground corn, m PTO revolutions of the tractor, rev/min. Rotor diameter, mm Rotor wall thickness, mm Rotor revolutions, rev/min. Type of worker...Price: UAH 115,000.
Bohdan Vladimirovych,Kiev region., 10-11-2024, Will sell/buy
Подшипники USF-208 и подшипники в стойку дисковой бороны АГ 5
150 UAH.
7. Bearing housing AG 3.0.02 8. Weight of AG 0.6.00 for AG-2,4-20 9. Scale AG 4.0.00 for AG-2,4-15 10. Here is AG-2.1.02 for AG-2,4-15 11. Here is AG...Price: UAH 150.
Bohdan Vladimirovich,Kyiv region., 10-11-2024, I will sell/buy
Оприскувач МАКСУС-3000 6
270,000 UAH.
Sprayer MAXUS-3000/21 KAS with a volume of 3000 l, a working width of 21 m. new, possible delivery galvanized wing, 21 m., reinforced, full hydraulics...
Bohdan Vladimirovych,Kiev region., 10-11-2024, Will sell/buy
Борона дисковая БП-8П с пружинными стойками 4
892 500 UAH.
BP-8P disc harrow with spring struts is intended for small stubble and pre-sowing treatment on light or medium soils. It works or...
Bohdan Vladimirovych,Kiev region., 10-11-2024, Will sell/buy
РДС-3 розкидач дорожніх сумішей 10
150,000 UAH.
Designed for uniform spreading of road mixtures on pavements and roads in autumn and winter. RDS-3 is reliable, easy to maintain and...
Bohdan Vladimirovych,Kiev region., 10-11-2024, Selling
Культиватор прицепной КПС-8ПМУ 4
535,500 UAH.
Technical characteristics Type trailed Working width of capture, m 8.0 Productivity, ha/hour 8.0 Depth of tillage, cm 5-12 Ma...
Bohdan Vladimirovych,Kiev region., 10-11-2024, Selling
Приципний пристрій до дискової борони - АГ, ДАН, АГД, АГЛ 5
20,000 UAH.
I will sell a universal attachment device. Attachment device for disk harrow type AG, AGD, DAN, AGL. Fits sizes 1.8, 2.1, 2.4, 2.5 Mo...
Bohdan Vladimirovych,Kiev region., 10-11-2024, Selling
Агрегат для швидкісного обробітку грунту АКШ-2.5, 3.6, 5.6 4
90,000 UAH.
BASIC Manufacturer Khmelnykselmash Country of manufacture: Ukraine Gripping width 3600.0 (mm) Productivity 4.0 (ha/hour) Depth of processing...
Bohdan Vladimirovych,Kiev region., 10-11-2024, Selling
Борона зубова ( Роторний шип) БЗМ-5.6 метра 4
90,000 UAH.
Inter-row tooth harrow BZM-5,6 MAIN Produced by Khmelnykselmash Country of manufacture: Ukraine Gripping width 5600.0 (mm) Productive...
Bohdan Vladimirovych,Kiev region., 10-11-2024, Selling
Культиватор прицепной КПС-9ПМ 5
582,750 UAH.
KPS-9PM cultivator is intended for soil preparation for sowing agricultural crops and care for in pairs and can be used in all climates...
Bohdan Vladimirovych,Kiev region., 10-11-2024, Selling
Ось к дисковым боронам АГ, АГД, ДАН, УДА 6
600 hryvnias.
13. Repair kits for disc harrows, cultivators, spreaders. Rack assembly with non-quick-removable disk for aggregates of the type AG, AGP, DAN. Co...
Bohdan Vladimirovych,Kiev region., 10-11-2024, Selling
Дисковая борона ДАН-2.8 Виробник 3
64,000 UAH.
Technical characteristics: Country of manufacture Ukraine Type Disc harrow Medium group Working width (m) 2.8 The maximum processing depth...
Bohdan Vladimirovich,Kiev region., 10-11-2024, Selling
Дисковая борона дан-2.5 п прицепная для трактора мтз-82 4
90,000 UAH.
Technical characteristics Country of manufacture Ukraine Working width (m) 2.5 Maximum processing depth (cm) 20.0 Number of rows 2 Quantity...
Bohdan Vladimirovych,Kiev region., 10-11-2024, Selling
Стойка в сборе АГ, АГД, ДАН, УДА 7
3100 UAH.
1. Rack assembly with non-quick-removable disk for aggregates of the type AG, AGP, DAN. 2. Complete body with a quick-removable disc for aggregates of the AGR, AGRP type...
Bohdan Vladimirovych,Kiev region., 10-11-2024, I will sell
Обприскувачі МАКСУС 2000 5
220,000 UAH.
Sprayers MAXUS 2000 KAS, with galvanized wing, working width 18-21 m., hydraulic folding, equipped computer Arag Bravo 180 3...
Bohdan Vladimirovych,Kiev region., 10-11-2024, Selling
Запчасти на МВД розкидач мінеральних добрив 8
50 UAH.
Spare parts for the MIA spreader Fat-dispersing device MVYU 04.00A Fat-dispersing device MVYU 04.00A-01 Eccentric MVY 29.020 Sleeve MVY 29.00.2 Dis...
Bohdan Vladimirovych,Kiev region., 10-11-2024, I will sell
Дисковая борона прицепная рессорная ДАР-4.0, 4.6, 5.2 С 4
310,000 UAH.
Prominer of ISM Promin Country of manufacture: Ukraine Type Disc harrow Medium group Working width 4.0 (m) The maximum processing depth...
Bohdan Vladimirovych,Kiev region., 10-11-2024, Selling
Борона дисковая АГ-2.1-20 М, АГ-2.4-20 М, АГ-2.7-20 М 4
45,000 UAH.
Harrow disk STEP AGM is designed for soil processing to a depth of 4 to 18 cm. By shuttle method, for sowing cereal crops, single- and multi-row...
Bohdan Vladimirovych,Kiev region., 10-11-2024, Selling
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