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Bohdan Vladimirovichотзывы, инфо.
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User ads - Bogdan Vladimirovich

Total found, announced: 79 (incl. archive). Shown: 1 - 20. Display mode:
Культиватор КПН-3, 0 3
44,000 UAH.
Weight (kg) 590 Processing width (m) 3 Productivity (ha/hour) 2.6...3.4 Working speed (km/h) 8...15 Tractor power (HP) 40...60Price: UAH 44,000.
Bohdan Vladimirovych,Kyiv region., 23-08-2024, Will sell/buy
Культиватор ВЕПР-6.8 П 5
272,000 UAH.
The Vepr-6.8 P trailed cultivator is intended for continuous pre-sowing soil treatment to a depth of 4 ÷ 15 cm with simultaneous cutting root si...Price: UAH 272,000.
Bohdan Vladimirovych,Kiev region., 23-08-2024, Will sell/buy
Візок під жатку універсальний Караван-9 9
120,000 UAH.
The cart is used for transporting harvesters with a grip width from 4.5 to 9 m and a weight of no more than 3000 kg on public roads destination, domestic...Price: UAH 120,000.
Bohdan Vladimirovych,Kiev region., 23-08-2024, Will sell/buy
Роторный шип РШ 4.2 4
50,000 UAH.
Rotary spike STEP RSh 4.2 - prepares the soil before sowing. After sowing, this unit loosens the soil, thus preventing late b...Price: UAH 50,000.
Bohdan Vladimirovych,Kyiv region., 23-08-2024, Will sell/buy
Вепр - 4.2 Прицепной 5
132,300 UAH.
VEPR 4.2 P cultivator The cultivator is intended for continuous pre-sowing soil cultivation to a depth of 4÷15 cm with simultaneous root cutting...
Bohdan Vladimirovich,Kyiv region., 23-08-2024, Will sell/buy
Культиватор навесной КПН - 4 8
55,000 UAH.
Cultivator spring KPN for continuous pre-sowing soil cultivation. The cultivator is intended for continuous pre-sowing soil cultivation, ...
Bohdan Vladimirovych,Kyiv region., 23-08-2024, Will sell/buy
Глубокорыхлитель универсальный гру - 3, 6 еко 2
78,200 UAH.
Technical characteristics: Processing depth (cm) 30...50 Processing width (cm) 360 Tractor power (hp) 220-300 Productivity (ha/h...
Bohdan Vladimirovych,Kiev region., 23-08-2024, I will sell
Від виробника!!! ДИСКОВІ АГРЕГАТИ типу ДАН - 1.8, 2.1, 2.5, 2.8, 3.1, 3.5 та інші 5
43,000 UAH.
FROM THE MANUFACTURER!!!!! DAN disc harrow (aggregate) for resource-saving tillage to a depth of 4 to 18 cm. They perform the main resource...
Bogdan Vladimirovych,Kiev region., 23-08-2024, Selling
Навісна борона Тера-2.7 5
80,000 UAH.
Producer LLC Agroblitz Country of manufacture Ukraine Maximum processing depth 20.0 (cm) The number of rows is 2 The number of disks/teeth is 16 (w...
Bohdan Vladimirovych,Kiev region., 23-08-2024, Selling
Навісна борона Терра-2.1 4
58,000 UAH.
Producer LLC Agroblitz Country of manufacture Ukraine Maximum processing depth 20.0 (cm) The number of rows is 2 The number of disks/teeth is 12 (w...
Bogdan Vladimirovych,Kiev region., 23-08-2024, Selling
Культиватор навесной КПН-3, 0-3 7
49,000 UAH.
Weight (kg)690 Processing width (m)3 Productivity (ha/hour) 2.6...3.4 Working speed (km/h) 8...15 Tractor power (HP) 40...60
Bohdan Vladimirovych,Kiev region., 23-08-2024, Selling
Вал карданный (кардан) для с/х техники 4
1800 UAH.
I offer a cardan shaft of Ukrainian production: Cardan shaft for harvesters, sprayers, seeders, mowers, fodder dispensers, mine spreaders...
Bohdan Vladimirovych,Kiev region., 23-08-2024, I will sell
Каток измельчитель растительных остатков КЗК-6-04 6
112,000 UAH.
KZK-6-6 crop residue shredder rink 04. Cutting roller with knives, shredder of harvest residues - Umanfermash, retail and wholesale available, be...
Bohdan Vladimirovych,Kyiv region., 23-08-2024, I will sell
КЗК-6-03 Каток кольчато-шпоровый 2
97,000 UAH.
KZK-6-03 ring-spur roller KZK-6-03 rollers are intended for pre-sowing and post-sowing rolling soil, surface soil grinding...
Bohdan Vladimirovych,Kiev region., 23-08-2024, I will sell
Культиватор навесной Tellus-3, 3 2
65,000 UAH.
Producer LLC "Agroblitz" Country of manufacture Ukraine Purpose: Universal Aggregation Hinged Medium group Product...
Bohdan Vladimirovych,Kiev region., 23-08-2024, Selling
Культиватор ВЕПР-4.2 Н-01 ( Двухвитковая стойка Bellota) 4
84 UAH 810.
Hinged type Tractor power (hp) 95-110 Gripping width (m) 4.2±0.15 Length (mm) 3300 Width (mm) 4400 Height 1400 Productivity (ha/...
Bohdan Vladimirovych,Kiev region., 23-08-2024, Selling
Дисковая борона ДАН-2.1 Від виробника 6
47,337 UAH.
DAN disk harrow (aggregate) for resource-saving soil treatment to a depth of 4 to 18 cm! Tillage of the soil with the DAN harrow has the following agro...
Bohdan Vladimirovych,Kiev region., 23-08-2024, Selling
Дискова Терра1.8 4
53,000 UAH.
Producer LLC Agroblitz Country of manufacture Ukraine Type Disc harrow Medium group Working width 1.8(m) The maximum processing depth...
Bohdan Vladimirovych,Kiev region., 23-08-2024, Selling
Ремкомплекты для дисковых борон АГ, АГД, ДАН, УДА 6
30 UAH.
1. Disk AG 2.1.01 (width 660 mm) 2. Disk AG 2.1.01-01 (width 510 mm) 3. Disc assembly AG 2.1.00 for AG-2,4 4. Disc assembly AG 7.1.00 for AG-2,4-20 5. Dy...
Bohdan Vladimirovych,Kiev region., 23-08-2024, I will sell
Розкидач МВД 1200 3
25,000 UAH.
Equipped with a cover and mobile wheels MVD-1200 machines are intended for surface application of solid mineral fertilizers in granular...
Bohdan Vladimirovych,Kiev region., 23-08-2024, Selling
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