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Andrei / отзывы, инфо.
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 / Объявления пользователя - Андрей

User announcements - Andrey

Total found, announced: 41 (including archived). Displays: 1-20. Display mode:
Продам товарну картоплю, сорт Арізона 4
Товарный картофель;60 tons
20 hryvnias.
Agricultural enterprise with VAT sells Arizona potatoes, clean from sand without wire and rustPrice: 20 hryvnias.
Andrey,Zhytomyr region., 25-09-2024, Will sell/buy
Продам картофельный посадочный комплекс miedema structural 4
Potato planter with a row spacing of 75 cm, equipped with equipment for curing potatoes at landing (three nozzles in each row); with a bunker d...Price: $25,000
Andrey,Zhytomyr region., 19-09-2024, I will sell/buy
Продам подборщик (крот):картофеля, яблок, лука Т40 L 4
I will sell a picker -loader from bulk storage: potatoes, onions, apples, etc purchased new in 2007 from GERMANY. CallPrice: $6000
Andrey,Zhytomyr region., 19-09-2024, I will sell/buy
Food grain;100 tons
21,500 hryvnias.
The agricultural producer sells his own rapeseed with VAT. Dry, cleanPrice: UAH 21,500.
Andrey,Zhytomyr region., 19-09-2024, Will sell/buy
Продам картофельный комбайн Grimme se 75-55 4
Single-row combine Grimme se 75-55 bought new, works in Malenky household, fully ready for the season
Андрей,Zhytomyr region., 19-09-2024, Selling/buying
Archive ads
Food grain;300 tons
5500 UAH. / ton
Agricultural producer sells rye with VAT
Андрей,Zhytomyr region., I will sell/buy
Продовольственное зерно;200 tons
6000 hryvnias.
Agricultural enterprise with VAT sells ardent brewing barley of the Sebastian variety. Dry, clean
Andrey,Zhytomyr region., Selling
Насіннева картопля Гранада 2
Seed potato;50 tons
15 hryvnias.
The agricultural producer sells potato seed material of the 3rd reproduction, varieties: Granada Arizona
Andrey,Zhytomyr region., I will sell
Продам продовольчу картоплю «Прада» 5
Commodity potato;60 tons
16.5 hryvnias.
Agricultural producer with VAT sells commercial potatoes of the "Prada" variety 5+ Dry, clean, without bruises. From sand In a sewn mesh.
Andrei,Zhytomyr region., I will sell
Продам товарну картоплю «Гранада» 3
Commodity potato;100 tons
17.6 UAH Dry, clean of sand. Sewn mesh 20 kg
Сільгосп виробник з ПДВ реалізує товарну картоплю «Гранада» Суха, чиста з піска. Шита сєтка 20кг
Andrey,Zhytomyr region., I will sell
Продовольственное зерно;250 tons
6200 UAH. / ton
The manufacturer sells hot barley. Dry, clean
Andrey,Zhytomyr region., I will sell
Продам середню Гранаду 3
Commodity potato;8 tons
6.5 UAH.
Medium-sized Granada, clean, sewn mesh
Andrey,Zhytomyr region., I will sell
Продам товарну картоплю, сорт Ред Скарлет 3
Commodity potato;20 tons
5.5 hryvnias.
The agricultural producer sells commercial potatoes Red Scarlet, dry, clean, after dry cleaning
Andrey,Zhytomyr region., I will sell
Продам тимофеевку
50 грн.
The agricultural producer sells timothy seeds. The volume is about a ton.
Andrei,Zhytomyr region., I will sell
Семенное хозяйство реализует:Семенной картофель Гранада, Лабелла, Паролли, Коломбо 2
Seed potatoes;200 tons
Semennoe hozyazyto sells potato planting material of the 2nd reproduction, various varieties: Lucinda Red scarlet Flamenco Baltic rose Granada ...
Andrey,Zhytomyr region., I will sell
Продам социальную Гранаду 2
Commodity potato;50 tons
4.5 UAH Size 3.5-4.5
Сельхозпредприятие реализует социальный картофель, сорта Гранада чистая, без повреждений Размер 3,5-4,5
Andrey,Zhytomyr region., I will sell
Продам товарный картофель Эстрелла 2
Commodity potato;100 tons
6 hryvnias.
Semennoe hozyazyaty with VAT sells commercial and planting material of potatoes, various varieties: Colombo Passwords Sagita Lucinda Red scarlet Plot...
Andrey,Zhytomyr region., I will sell
Продам посевной комплекс с внесением удобрений Farmet Falcon 6 6
I will sell a sowing complex with the introduction of fertilizers, 2014. The condition is good. Possible with VAT
Andrey,Zhytomyr region., I will sell
Продам картофельный комбайн AVR 220B 4
I will sell a simple and reliable Belgian-made potato harvester, two-row, 2008. 650 hectares of cultivation in one farm. With the document...
Andrey,Zhytomyr region., I will sell
Продам МВУ 6; розкидач добрив; вапна; піску 5
Fertilized working spreader, lips not painted
Андрей,Zhytomyr region., Selling
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