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Serhiy Tsyba / отзывы, инфо.
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User announcements - Serhiy Tsyba

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Купую на вагах сг продукцію, швидка оплата ф1/ф2
Продовольственное зерно;6000 tons
6100 UAH. / ton
Have a peaceful day everyone! We buy by weight Odesa region Kulindorivsky KHP Wheat (nature 760, protein 12, gluten from 21, waste...Price: UAH 6100/ton
Serhiy Tsyba,Odessa region., 17-11-2023
Food grain;3000 tons
6100 UAH. / ton
I will buy wheat, we work as per F1/F2 the price shown with our logistics (+-) may fluctuate for more detailed information, contact Se...
Serhiy Tsyba,Ivano-Frankivsk region., 30-10-2023, I will buy
1500 грн.
I will buy wheat bran, F1\F2, embankment 800-1000 (depending on the region) bags 1100 - 1500 (depending on the region) Contact phone Se...Price: UAH 1,500.
Serhiy Tsyba,Ivano-Frankivsk region., 10-30-2023, I will buy
Продам соняшник 2
Sunflowers for sale according to the second form of payment, the quality base is located in the Chernihiv region. Branytsia village, all questions, analyses, tonnage by Nikita's number
Serhiy Tsyba,Chernigov region., 06-09-2024, Will sell/buy
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