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Roman / отзывы, инфо.
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 / Объявления пользователя - Роман

User ads - Roman

Total found, announced: 32 (including archived). Displayed: 20 - 32. Display mode:
Кукуруза консервированная сахарная ж/б банка 420г 3
25.2 UAH.
We offer canned sugar corn from the warehouse in the city of Odessa, street Motornaya 8 The goods are available for pickup from the warehouse at a wholesale price, possibly ...Price: UAH 25.2.
TOV RYM-2015,Одесская обл., 26-09-2024, Sell/buy
Огурцы консервированные 3л 2
100 грн.
We invite organizations and enterprises to cooperate. Canned cucumbers 3 l. DSTU quality, certificate of conformity, any form of payment. Also...Price: UAH 100.
TOV RYM-2015,Odessa region., 26-09-2024, Продам / купить
Продам крупу пшеничную
9.5 UAH.
We offer groats wheat Poltava clean without garbage 25 kg packaging from a warehouse in Odessa. We can also provide a large assortment of cereals, poppy...Price: 9.5 UAH.
TOV RYM-2015,Odesskaya region., 26-09-2024, Will sell/buy
Чай черный 2
12.7 грн.
We offer TM Monomakh products from a warehouse in the city of Odessa, Motornaya Street, 8, at wholesale prices. Possible payment with VAT. Assortment of bagged, weighted tea...
TOV RYM-2015,Odessa region., 26-09-2024 , I will sell/buy
Хлопья овсянные быстроразваривающиеся
22 hryvnias.
We invite you to cooperate with the enterprise and organization. Fast-dissolving oat flakes, high-quality production by Skvyrskyi KHP FASO LTD...
TOV RYM-2015,Odessa region. , 09-26-2024, Sell/buy
Томатная паста 530г 3
48.3 UAH.| ||303
Приглашаем к сотрудничеству организации и предприятия. Томатная паста 510г. Качество ДСТУ, сертификат соответствия, форма оплаты любая. Также у нас...
TOV RYM-2015,Odessa region., 09-26-2024, Selling / will buy
Archived ads
Масло Оливковое 1л 4
106.4 UAH.
We offer olive oil in steel, glass, PET bottles from 0.650 l to 5 l. such brands: Olimp Black Label / De Cecco Classico/ Bertolli Robusto...
TOV RYM-2015,Odessa region., Selling
Завтрак Туриста ж/б 240г
10 UAH.
Tourist's breakfast w/b 240g/48pcs from a warehouse in Odessa, ul. Motornaya, 8. Только самовывоз
TOV RYM-2015,Odessa region., Selling
Макароны ТМЗлатен Класс 5
19.3 UAH.
We offer: Pasta TM "Zlaten Klass" shells, spirals, feathers, scallops in packages of 1 kg/10 pcs. The same producer is in the prod...
TOV RYM-2015,Odessa region., Selling
Хек в томатном соусе ж/б 240г (просрочка)
15 UAH.
Canned hake in tomato sauce b/w 240g/48pcs from a warehouse in Odessa, 8 Motrnaya St. Pickup only
TOV RYM-2015,Odessa region., Selling
Продам мука пшеничная высший сорт некондиция
5 UAH.
We offer wheat flour in poor condition (long storage) from a warehouse in Odessa. Packing in 25 kg p/p bags. 8, Motrnaya St., Odessa. Pickup only С...
TOV RYM-2015,Odessa region., Selling
Вафли Артэк 2
58.1 UAH.
We offer TM products from a warehouse in Odessa Nectar+ at wholesale prices. Possible payment with VAT. Assortment of waffles in boxes, candies and individual waffles...
TOV RYM-2015,Odessa region., I will sell
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