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Обявления пользователя - Евгений

Total found, announced: 66 (including archived). Displays: 40 - 60. Display mode:
Шнеки спиральные для погрузчиков 19
1000 hryvnias.
Use and importance of screw augers in various industries. Screws are an indispensable element in the work of many industries, among them: · building...Price: UAH 1000.
VODREM,Vinnytsia region. , 30-08-2024, Sell/buy
Винтовые шнеки для транспортеров 19
100 грн.
Auger (or auger conveyor, screw conveyor) is a working part of a mechanism designed to transport cargo by moving it along a rotating...Price: 100 UAH.|| |186
ВОДРЕМ,Vinnytsia region., 30-08-2024, Selling/buying
Витки шнека комбайна 10
1000 UAH.
Coils for the combine auger - it is an important component used to transfer grain crops, straw or other materials from harvesters...Price: 1000 UAH.
FORWARD, | ||220Волынская обл., 30-08-2024, I will sell/buy
Нории для зерна из оцинкованной стали
100 UAH. / piece
Oriya (bucket elevator) - this device is intended for lifting grain crops, products of their processing, seeds and other bulk materials in...Price: 100 UAH. / piece
VODREM,Vinnytsia region., 30-08-2024, Sell/buy
Зерновая нория купить нории для зерна
100 hryvnias. / piece
Z-SHAPED NORIA Norias of the z-shaped type convey the material along the horizontal-vertical-horizontal type conveyor, and have the opportunity before...
VODREM,Vinnytsia region.| ||294, 30-08-2024, Продам / купить
Кормосмеситель, горизонтальный шнековый смеситель кормов, полусухих смесей
100 UAH. / piece
The purpose of the horizontal screw mixer: For the production of multi-component compound feed, protein-mineral additives (BMVD) and other mixtures...
VODREM,Vinnytsia region., 30-08-2024, Sell/buy
Шнек дозатор, транспортер для дозирования, объёмный дозатор, дозатор комбикорма
100 UAH. / piece
We manufacture our screw conveyors from: ferrous metal galvanized metal from stainless steel
VODREM,Vinnytsia region., 30-08-2024, Selling
Конвейер шнековый передвижной с регулировкой по высоте
100 UAH. / piece
The scope of application of screw mixers: Mixing food bulk components: mixing spices and preparing seasonings; пищевых вкусоароматиче...
VODREM,Vinnytsia region., 30-08-2024, Selling
Транспортер шнековый передвижной наклонный
100 hryvnias. / piece
Screw conveyors are very widely used in technological lines of a wide variety of industries: construction, processing, chemical...
VODREM,Винницкая обл., 30-08-2024, Selling
Шнековый траснопортер из стали нержавеющей
100 грн. / штука
Augers with a screw and a stainless steel body are used in conditions where unacceptable corrosion of the elements feeds the equipment, and it is also necessary to ensure...
VODREM . 457Винницкая обл., 30-08-2024, Продам
Шнековый траснопортер для мучных изделий
100 UAH. / piece
MAIN ADVANTAGES OF SCREW SYSTEM – compactness; – high degree of tightness; – a relatively simple process of operation; – there is a truck...
VODREM,Vinnytsia region., 08-30-2024, Selling
Шнековый траснопортер для золы, для гипса
100 UAH. / piece
FIELD OF APPLICATION OF SCREW CONVEYORS The auger conveyor is widely used for moving almost any bulk cargo: sand, cement...
VODREM,Vinnytsia region., 30-08-2024, Продам
Смеситель со шнеком в трубе
100 UAH. / piece
The shape and performance of the screw is determined by the physical properties of the material fed into the spiral conveyor. 1. The solid screw consists of a feather, at...
VODREM,Vinnytsia region., 30-08- 2024, I will sell
ШНЕКОВЫЙ ВИНТОВОЙ транспортер в трубе
100 UAH. / piece
Screw conveyors are used in production as a dispenser or mixer. Examples of manufactured equipment based on screws and screws...
VODREM,Vinnytsia region., 30-08-2024, Selling
Шнековый траснопортер для кукурузы
100 UAH. / piece
Details of the auger are made in such a way to avoid sticking of the product during transportation. End bearings and adjustable seals, equip...
VODREM,Vinnytsia Region, 30-08-2024, I will sell
Шнековый винтовой транспортер для корма
100 UAH. / piece
FEATURES, ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES The screw conveyor belongs to the category of continuous transport units; ego key person...
VODREM,Vinnytsia region., 08-30-2024, Selling
Шнековый транспортер, конвейер шнековый, винтовой погрузчик
100 UAH. / piece
The casing of the screw conveyor is made of sections, usually 3-6 m long, connected by bolts. The length of the horizontal screw conveyor...
VODREM,Vinnytsia region., 08-30-2024, Selling || |659
Шнековый транспортер для перемещения тыквенной семечки
100 UAH. / piece
Screw conveyors are capable of moving material in vertical, inclined and horizontal directions. With the purpose of distribution of transported pr...
VODREM,Vinnytsia region., 08-30-2024, Selling | ||688
Конвейеры трубчатые шнековые конвейер, шнековый транспортер
100 UAH. / piece
Auger (screw) conveyor - intended for transportation of bulk, small pieces and paste-like cargoes. An auger conveyor can be ...
VODREM,Vinnytsia region., 30-08-2024, Selling || |717
Шнековый (винтовой) конвейер (транспортер)
100 UAH. / piece
Screw conveyors are intended for work with cargo in the form of particles up to 20 mm: loose, dusty, powdery. • in food and rural areas...
VODREM,Vinnytsia region., 08-30-2024, Selling | ||746
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