UKR rus
Sergey / отзывы, инфо.
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 / Объявления пользователя - Сергей

User ads - Сергей

Total found, announced: 4 (including archived). Displays: 1 - 4. Display mode:
Соєва Олія
I will sell soybean oil of the first grade, 24 tons.|| |138
Сергей, Lviv region., 30-08-2024, I will sell/buy
Глицерин технический
I will sell wholesale technical glycerin, density 1.26, glycerin content 0.88.
Sergey,Lviv region., 30-08-2024, I will sell/buy
Мясо костная мука оптом (Германия) 2
16,500 hryvnias.
The rates of growth and productivity of farm animals depend on various factors, in particular: the optimally selected diet , that in...Price: UAH 16,500.
Sergey,Lviv region., 30-08-2024, Will sell/buy
Жир говяжо свиний технічний 2
I will sell technical pork fat in bulk. The color is from dark yellow to brown. Acidity from 5 to 10.
Sergey,Lviv region., 30-08-2024, Selling/buying
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