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Andrii Viktorovych / отзывы, инфо.
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 / User ads - Andriy Viktorovich

User ads - Andriy Viktorovich

Total found, announced: 9 (incl. archive). Displayed: 1 - 9. Display mode:
Куплю кукурудзу самовивоз
Forage grain; 50 tons
5000 UAH.
I will buy corn from your enterprise Calculation on scales, any form of payment All over Ukraine, all details by phonePrice: UAH 5,000.
Andrii Viktorovych,Cherkasskaya oblast., 30-08-2024, I will buy
Купим пшеницу Самовивоз
Forage grain
5500 UAH. / ton
We will buy wheat, barley, soy, rapeseed. All regions of Ukraine. Car pick-up by arrangement. Check pricesPrice: UAH 5,500. / ton
Andrii Viktorovych,Cherkasskaya oblast., 30-08-2024, I will buy
Forage grain;25 tons
5200 UAH. / ton
The company purchases grain crops and others on an ongoing basis. All over the territory of Ukraine. Corn, Wheat (3k), Wheat (forage) Barley...Price: UAH 5,200. / ton
Andrii Viktorovych,Cherkasskaya oblast., 30-08-2024, I will buy
Куплю сою дорого
Food grain;25 tons
I will buy soybeans all over Ukraine from 25 tons, calculation on scales, the price depends on the location
Andrii Viktorovych,Cherkasskaya oblast., 30-08-2024, I will buy
Куплю зерно
Продовольственное зерно;25 tons
The company purchases grain crops and others on an ongoing basis. All over the territory of Ukraine. Corn, Wheat (3k), Wheat (forage) Barley...
Andrii Viktorovych,Kirovohrad region., 30-08-2024, I will buy
Forage grain
5500 hryvnias. / ton
We will buy food and fodder wheat, barley, sunflower (oilseed), soybeans, rapeseed. All regions of Ukraine. Car pick-up by arrangement. ...
Andriy Viktorovich,Kirovohrad region., 30-08-2024, I will buy
Archive ads
Послуги экскаватора 2
600 UAH.
Excavator services: * digging (development) of pits and trenches * soil movement * soil layout on the construction site * загрузка/разг...
Andrii Viktorovych,Cherkasskaya oblast.
Послуги Зерновозів Самосвалів
20 UAH.
Vehicles for the transportation of grain and oil crops. All over Ukraine and regions The company provides grain transportation services. Technique...
Andrii Viktorovych,Cherkasskaya oblast., I will provide a service
20 hryvnias.
Vehicles for the transportation of grain and oil crops. All over Ukraine and regions The company provides grain transportation services. Technician...
Andrii Viktorovych,Cherkasskaya oblast., I will provide a service