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Techniques and equipment for post-harvest processing, storage in Vinnytsia region

Sale of new and used equipment and equipment for post-harvest processing, storage in Vinnytsia / Vinnytsia region: 1,547 actual ads from sellers in Vinnytsia region with direct contacts. "Agro-Ukraine" gives an excellent opportunity to buy machinery and equipment for post-harvest processing and storage in Vinnytsia at a favorable price due to a wide selection of offers and healthy competition. All ads are added for free, approximately in 1-2 minutes.
Total found, announced: 96. Shown: 1 - 20. Display mode:| ||366
Промивочна станція для піску, грунту 2
1000 UAH.
Washing station for sand ChatGPT A sand washing station (sometimes also known as a sandblasting station or a sandbox) is a special...Price: UAH 1000.
VODREM, | ||382Винницкая обл., 28-09-2024, I will sell/buy
Шнековый конвейер 11| ||401
10,000 hryvnias.
Screw conveyor is a continuous action device, which is an open or closed chute, inside which rotates auger. In...Price: UAH 10,000.
VODREM,Vinnytsia region. , 28-09-2024, Sell/buy
Бункер для зерна 7
1000 грн.
A grain bunker is a special container or tank used for storing and temporarily holding grain. He often uses...Price: UAH 1,000.
VODREM,Vinnytsia region., 28-09-2024, Продам / купить
Стрічковий транспортер 9
Belt conveyor  || |470
1000 грн.
A belt conveyor is a device used to move various types of materials, products or cargo from one place to another for...Price : UAH 1000.
VODREM,Vinnytsia Region, 09-28-2024, Sell/Buy
Розвантажувач вагонов 3
1000 UAH.
Unloader of wagons ( also known as wagon unloader or wagon unloader) is a device used to unload contents from ...
VODREM,Vinnytsia Region, 28-09-2024, Sell/buy
Навантажувач шнековий з нержавіючиї сталі 4
1000 UAH.
Stainless steel screw loader is a special device for loading, moving and feeding materials, made of high-quality...
VODREM,Vinnytsia region., 28-09-2024, Sell/buy
Шнек зачисний для складу 5
1000 UAH.
Cleaning auger (also known as cleaning auger or feeding auger) is a device used for automatic loading and feeding of mats...
VODREM,Vinnytsia region., 28-09-2024, Продам
Норія транспортер для сипучих матеріалів
1000 UAH.|| |609
Норія для сипучих матеріалів - це механізм, що використовується для транспортування сипучих матеріалів, таких як пісок, камінь, зерно, цемент і т. ...
VODREM ,Vinnytsia region., 28-09-2024, Selling
Горіходробилка шнекова 4
1000 UAH.
Screw nut crusher is a device used to grind nuts or other hard materials by passing them through screw...
ВОДРЕМ,Vinnytsia region., 28-09-2024, Selling
Транспортер шнековий для піску 7
1000 UAH.
Screw conveyor for sand is a device used for effective transfer of sand or other loose materials from one place to...
VODREM,Vinnytsia region., 28-09 -2024, Selling
Шнек транспортер для насіння 8
1000 UAH.| ||700
Шнек транспортер для насіння - це пристрій, що використовується для перенесення насіння або інших дрібних насипних матеріалів з одного місця в інше...
VODREM, || |706Винницкая обл., 28-09-2024, Selling
Шнек для зернонавантажувача 7
1000 hryvnias.
An auger for a grain loader is a device used to transfer grain or other loose materials from one place to another. He grew up...
VODREM,Vinnytsia region., 09-28-2024, For sale
Розтарювач Біг-бегів 2
1000 UAH.
Big bag shredder -bags (also known as big-bag spreader or big-bag distributor) is a device used to distribute and unload...
VODREM,Винницкая обл., 28-09-2024, Selling
Скребковый Транспортер / Скребковый конвейер 20
5000 hryvnias.
C conveyor is a continuous action device, which is an open or closed chute inside which a screw rotates. In rotation...
VODREM,Vinnytsia region., 28-09-2024, Selling
Шнековый транспортер 20
1000 UAH.
Scope of application of screw conveyors Screw conveyors are used in many industries, wherever it is necessary to move loose materials: ...
VODREM,Vinnytsia region., 09-28-2024, For sale
Витки шнека / Шнековые сегменты 12
100 UAH.
We offer production of screw conveyors turns, spirals, blades for: Grain conveyor augers and harvester augers; Screw conveyors of abrasive m...
VODREM,Vinnytsia region., 09-28-2024, Selling || |879
Шнековые сегменты / витки на шнек, перо шнека 11
100 UAH.|| |901
Витки шнека также называют как: Виток шнека Перо шнека Сегмент шнека Лопасть шнека Сектор шнека Для изготовления и ремонта шнеков, различного...
VODREM,Vinnytsia region., 28-09-2024, I will sell
Просеиватель щепы, сортировщик мобильный 17
100 UAH.
Sifting machine The automatic sand seeder sifts: sand, crushed stone, clay mixtures, peat, slag and various loose materials. Use...
VODREM,Vinnytsia region., 09-28-2024, For sale
Шнековый сепаратор 4
1000 UAH. / piece
Screw separator (press) Screw separator (press separator) is a type of separator designed for separating materials into two fractions...
VODREM,Vinnytsia region., 28-09-2024, Selling
Растариватель мешков биг-бегов 2
The big-bag dosing valve (starter) is a dosing equipment designed for unloading soft big-bag containers. Devices...
VODREM,Vinnytsia region., 09-28-2024, For sale
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