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Apiary equipment in Chernivtsi region

Sale of apiary equipment wholesale and retail in Chernivtsi / Chernivtsi region: 207 actual ads from beekeepers in Chernivtsi region with direct contacts. "Agro-Ukraine" gives an excellent opportunity to buy apiary equipment in Chernivtsi at a favorable price due to a wide selection of offers and the absence of intermediaries. All ads are added for free, approximately in 1-2 minutes.
Total found, announced: 37 (including archived ones). Shown: 1 - 20. Display mode:
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We offer wax from FOP Dubovik M.O. We make wax only from natural beeswax. The wax produced has a pleasant wax aroma...
Nataliya,Chernovitskaya oblast., Will sell/buy
I will buy beehives and sunbeds, call us and we will negotiate.
Mykhailo,Chernovitskaya oblast., I will buy
Продам нові ящики для перевезення бджолопакетів
120 грн.
Boxes for transporting bee colonies, holds 4 standard Dadan frames. Boxes in the amount of 100 pcs. Details by phone number: - Mykhailo.Price: UAH 120.
Mykhailo,Chernovitskaya oblast., Will sell/buy
Продам ящики для бжолопакетів 5
100 UAH.
I accept orders for boxes for 4 frames, they take up little space because the rail is insidePrice : UAH 100.
Dmytro Ivanovych,Chernovitskaya oblast., Will sell/buy
Медогонка Мелиса 5
15,000 UAH.
I will sell Melissa honey comb, radial 27D\54R\54P stainless (steel grade 430) belt transmission, with stand, cover and electric drive. Sostoyan...Price: UAH 15,000.
Vyacheslav,Chernovitskaya oblast., I will sell/buy
Продам рамки для уля 5, 7 липа 2
5.7 hryvnias.
I will sell frames for a linden beehive 300/5.7 UAH difference 300/5.5 UAH wholesale 230/5.1 UAH retail 230/4.8 UAH wholesale 145/4.6 UAH retail 145/4.3 UAH wholesale Pine is cheap Minya...Price: UAH 5.7.
Mykhailo Frunza,Chernovitskaya oblast., Will sell/buy
Вулики лежаки корпусні 7
750 hryvnias.
I will sell beehives of good quality, all boards are passed through a four-sided machine. Artyom,
Артьом, Chernovitskaya oblast., Will sell/buy
30 000 грн.
Bee pavilion, length 8 meters, width 3 meters for sunbeds and hives, 2 tiers
Oleksandr Dmytrovych,Chernovitskaya oblast., I will sell
36,000 UAH.
I will sell a pavilion 8 meters long for 70 families
Oleksandr Dmytrovych,Chernovitskaya oblast., I will sell
Виготовляємо вулики лежак 3
750 hryvnias.
We manufacture beehives of sunbeds for 20 frames, 24 frames from spruce. Wall thickness 35 mm. Takes into account the wishes of the customer.
Mykhailo,Chernovitskaya region., I will sell
Виготовляємо вулик -лежак 5
750 hryvnias.
Makes a beehive - lounger for 16, 20, 24 frames from willow, poplar, conifers. The wall thickness is 35 mm, I take into account the wishes of the customer.
Dmytro,Chernovitskaya oblast., I will sell
Вулик рогач 6
800 hryvnias.
I make an antler beehive, to order, from Carpathian needles, taking into account the wishes of the customer.
Mykhailo,Chernovitskaya oblast., I will sell
Виготовляю вулик багатокорпусний 5
700 hryvnias.
I am making a multi-body beehive, to order, under a dadan and rue frame for 8,10 frames, from willow, poplar, needles, wall thickness 30, 35 mm., taking into account p...
Mykhailo,Chernovitskaya oblast., I will sell
Виготовляю вулик лежак 6
700 hryvnias.
I make a beehive of beds for 12,14,16,20,24 frames, wall thickness 35 mm., from willow, poplar, conifers, I take into account the wishes of the customer .
Mykhailo,Chernovitskaya oblast., Selling
Виготовляємо вулики багатокорпусні 4
750 hryvnias.
I make multi-body beehives under the Dadan and rue frame. On 8, 10 frames, wall thickness 30, 35 mm., species of willow, conifer poplar. We take into account the wishes of...
Dmytro,Chernovitskaya region., I will sell
Пчелопавильон на 40-20 шт. Пчоли.Вулики 5
Stand for the body 35 cm with a Thursday. extension for dadan-25*4 =100 body 35 cm on a frame root with folds - 50 g *4=200 g bottom thickness 35 cm Thursday-25 gr feeder...
Viktor,Chernovitskaya oblast., I will sell
Продам тару для пчолопакетів
115 UAH
Євро тара для перевозки, возможно повна комплектацію 1450гр за штуку 4рр з 25апреля по 15мая кількість 500шт
Vadim,Chernovitskaya oblast., Selling
Виготовляю вулик-лежак на 20, 24 рамки 7
650 UAH , conifers, I take into account the wishes of the customer.
Виготовляю вулик-лежак на 20, 24 рамки, товщина стінки 0.35, з верби, тополі, хвойних,враховую побажання замовника.
Mykhailo,Chernovitskaya oblast., Selling
Пінополіуританові вулики, вуликові рамки (липа, вільха, сосна), апібудинки від виробника 7
1600 UAH.
Energy-efficient, environmentally friendly hives made of polyurethane foam In Chernivtsi, you can buy polyurethane foam beehives from ecologically clean, certified...
Valery,Chernovitskaya oblast., I will sell
I will sell evidence covered with tin foil, new and I would buy a large selection, it is not expensive due to the sale of the apiary, it is possible to sell it with bees.
Smoke,Chernovitskaya oblast., Selling
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