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Veterinary drugs in the Kharkiv region

Total found, declared: 294 (including archival ones). Shown: 120 - 140. Display mode:
Archived ads
ФЕНБЕНДАЗОЛ 3 таблетки антигельминтные УКРВЕТБИОФАРМ
5 грн.
Description: Tablets of 1.0 g of FENBENDAZOL have a taste of meat - intended for cats with helminthiasis, ascariasis, strongyloidosis, tapeworms...Price: UAH 5.
Internet store of veterinary drugs,Kharkov region., I will sell/buy
Отовет лосьон ушной для кошек и собак 30 мл Продукт
Otovet ear lotion for cats and dogs 30 ml Product Description: Transparent, colorless liquid with a specific smell of the constituent components С...
Internet store of veterinary drugs,Kharkiv region., I will sell/buy
АСД-МАЗЬ 50 г для всех видов животных УКРВЕТБИОФАРМ
25 UAH.
Description: Treatment of wound surfaces, dermatitis, eczema, trophic ulcers, fistulas, etc. affected skin of an animal. Composition and form of release: AC...Price: UAH 25.
Internet store of veterinary drugs,Kharkov region., I will sell/buy
Амитразин 10 мл капли противопаразитарные ушные Фарматон
18 грн.
Amitrazine (10 ml) Pharmaton Description: Amitrazine is an antiparasitic drug of complex action. One of the best preparations for the treatment of demode...Price: UAH 18.
Internet store of veterinary drugs,Kharkov region., I will sell/buy
Амоксицилин 15 % 100 мл пролонгированный Якісна допомога OLKAR
185 UAH.
Amoxicillin LA 15% 100ml OLKAR Description: Amoxicillin 15% LA 100 ml Amoxicillin 15% LA - long-acting injectable suspension for animals...Price: UAH 185.
Internet store of veterinary drugs,Kharkiv region., Sell/buy
Травматин гель 20 мл гомеопатическое комплексное средство ХелветАлексАнн
158 грн.
Trauma gel (20 ml) Helvet Composition: The TRAUMA-GEL preparation includes plant components that have been widely used for many centuries...
Internet store of veterinary drugs,Kharkov region., I will sell/buy
Фоспасим пероральный капли при стрессах 20 мл для кошек и собак Хелвет АлексАнн
257 hryvnias.
Fospasim oral (drops for stress), 20 ml, Helvet Description: The homeopathic preparation Fospasim is an effective remedy that provides anti...
Internet store of veterinary drugs,Kharkiv region., I will sell
Крем-эмульсия Лагидна 200 г Круг
54 hryvnias.
Lahydna emulsion cream (200 g) Circle Description: Lagydna emulsion is an anti-inflammatory agent. has a wide spectrum of antibacterial in...
Internet store of veterinary drugs,Kharkiv region., Selling
Байкал ЭМ1У для животноводства 1 л Украина
90 UAH.
The product requires a temperature regime during transportation! Buy a thermal container! Baikal-EMU (1 l) for animal husbandry Ukraine Description: Application of EM...
Internet store of veterinary drugs,Kharkov region., Selling
Броваферан 100 мл Бровафарма
UAH 100.
Doses with preventive purpose: – piglets 3-4 days old – 1.5-2 ml, once; – calves 5-6 days old – 8-10 ml, once; - lamb...
Internet store of veterinary preparations,Kharkov region., Selling
Ферроселенит 10%, 10 мл
140 грн.
Ferroselenite 10% Description: Sterile, opaque liquid, dark brown in color, with a specific smell. A small precipitation is possible, which...
Internet store of veterinary preparations,Kharkiv region., Selling
Молочная кислота 40% 100 мл Укрветбиофарм
20 UAH.
LACTIC ACID 40% 100 ml UKRVETBIOPHARM Description: by using lactic acid 40% (Acidum lacticum 40%, Lactic Acid 40%) Composition and form ...
Internet store of veterinary drugs,Kharkiv region., I will sell
Вакцина Пневмомастисан против пневмоэнтеритов, эндометритов, маститов 100 мл
Вакцина Пневмомастисан против пневмоэнтеритов, эндометритов, маститов 100 мл Описание: Вакцина ассоциированная концентрированная инактивированная...
Internet store of veterinary drugs,Kharkiv region., I will sell
Вакцина Каниген DHА2PPI/ L Virbac 1 доза Франция
162 грн.
Kanigen DHA2PPi/L Description: Vaccine for the prevention of plague, infectious hepatitis, adenovirus infection, parainfluenza, parvovirus enteritis and ...
Internet store of veterinary drugs,Kharkiv region., I will sell
Комплимент 100 таблеток для шерсти витаминная добавка для собак
65 грн.
Vitamins Compliment for dogs for wool 100 tab TM Compliment 200831 Description: Fodder supplement for improving wool with Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty ...
Internet store of veterinary drugs,Kharkov region., I will sell
Стоп-кетоз 200 г Укрветбиофарм
71 грн.
STOP-KETOS (200 g) UKRVETBIOPHARM Description: STOP KETOS prevention and treatment of ketosis in heifers and cows Pharmaceutical form: Colorless hygro...
Internet store of veterinary preparations,Kharkiv region., I will sell
Стоп Моль 80мл, средство от моли, Скиф, Украина
52 hryvnias.
Stop Mol 80 ml Volume 80 ml Description Stop-mole helps destroy the wax moth at various stages of its development. It has a clearly expressed insect...
Internet store of veterinary drugs,Kharkov region., I will sell
Мукоза Композитум для стимулирования иммунитета Хеель Германия
136 UAH.
Ukoza Kompositum Heel, Germany In appearance, the drug is colorless clear, odorless liquid with a salty taste. Stack...
Internet store of veterinary drugs,Kharkiv region., I will sell
Пранатан суспензия для собак 10 мл аналог празицид Якісна допомога O.L.KAR+ корм АКЦИ
41 hryvnias.
Pranatan suspension for dogs 10 ml analog prasicide Quality help O.L.KAR+ feed PROMOTION Description: Light yellow suspension. When storing additional...
Internet store of veterinary drugs,Kharkov region., I will sell
РБС-кинг 400 мл иммуномодулятор
389 грн.
RBS-king (400 ml) immunomodulator Description: RBS-King is a drug of a new generation of non-hormonal nature, it contains complex...
Internet store of veterinary drugs,Kharkiv region., Selling
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