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Veterinary equipment, preparations in Kharkiv region

Sales of veterinary equipment, drugs wholesale and retail in Kharkiv / Kharkiv region: 129 actual ads from sellers in Kharkiv region with direct contacts. "Agro-Ukraine" gives an excellent opportunity to buy veterinary equipment and drugs in Kharkiv at a favorable price due to a wide selection of offers and the absence of intermediaries. All ads are added for free, approximately in 1-2 minutes.
Total found, announced: 314 (including archived ones). Shown: 1 - 20. Display mode:
Ферментационная подстилка Нетто Пласт на 10м2
699 UAH.
Fermentation Non-replaceable litter Netto Plast Guarantees from the manufacturer Call !!! Quantity is limited!!! ALSO IN STOCK: Probiotic for...Price: UAH 699.
Aleksandr Vitalyevich,Kharkiv region., 21-09-2024
Actual ads
Вся Украина:  Veterinary equipment, preparations 129
all of Ukraine
Archived ads
Гель для обробки ран та догляду за шкірою Blue Butter Gel, 90 г
138 hryvnias.
Blue butter is a skin care gel that has a wide spectrum of action. It contains natural extracts of thyme, chamomile, and yarrow. ...Price: UAH 138.
IKR GROUP,Kharkov region., Will sell/buy
30 hryvnias.
The varroa mite has a negative effect on bees, it weakens them, and can also lead to the death of a bee colony . You need to pour approximately ... into the evaporator.Price: UAH 30.
Oleg,Kharkov region., I will sell/buy
Пробиотики для бройлеров, кур-несушек, свиней на откорме, свиноматок, поросят, коров 0, 5 9
490 UAH.
-expedite gain weight by 10-15% - improve the efficiency of the use of fodder, promote digestion and better assimilation of nutrients -zam...Price: UAH 490.
Yuriy Anatolyevich,Kharkov region., Will sell/buy
Биопрепарат Биотрит БЛ+ для утилизации помёта/навоза 6
900 UAH.
Ecologist,Kharkov region., Sell/buy
Конус для забоя птицы 2
165 UAH.
Cones for slaughtering broilers IN STOCK. With the help of this device, you will significantly facilitate the slaughter process and spend less effort and time. Bird...
Vitaly Trusenko,Kharkiv region., Sell/buy
Натуральный бальзам ОЛД - вед раны, порезы, противогрибковое, лишаи
290 hryvnias.
"OLD-ved" is a universal treatment, where the treatment of pathogenic microflora is necessary. Production of Krym OLDMED aromatherapy. Wasp...
Olha Viktorovna,Kharkov region., I will sell/buy
Реализуем энтеросорбент «Альфасорб»
1436.88 hryvnias.
Enterosorbent with complex preventive and therapeutic action. Composition: A complex of activated biopolymers (cellulose, hemicelluloses, pectin...
Алексей,Kharkiv region., Selling
Реализуем органический стимулятор роста «Экстра Гроу» 2
3090 UAH.
Organic growth stimulator with antioxidant effect. (aft direction) The composition of "Extra Grow" affects the stimulation of digestion, sorption...
Алексей,Kharkiv region., Selling
Реализуем органический стимулятор роста «Бета-Стимул» 3
3347.46 hryvnias.
Organic growth stimulator with an immunomodulating effect. (aft direction) It affects the digestion of nutrients, affecting the ac...
Алексей,Kharkiv region., Selling
Реализуем универсальный синбиотик «Бионорм К» 2
Universal synbiotic with enhanced action of lactic acid bacteria (Veterinary direction). Composition: Lyophilized cells specially for...
Алексей,Kharkov region., Selling
Крем для доения зорька 2
30 hryvnias.
INSTRUCTIONS after using "Zorka" milking cream (pet can of 200 grams. ) GENERAL INFORMATION The uniqueness of milking cream "Zorka" is due to the ear...
Sergey,Kharkiv region., Selling
Эбермин крем
1400 UAH.
Cream for healing wounds, burns.
Angela,Kharkov region., Selling
For horses, ligaments, joints, non-protective wounds.
Angela,Kharkov region., Selling
600 грн.
Use in diseases.
Angela,Kharkov region., Selling
Йодоклін (ЗВК) - (Йодоформ-0, 2% Кальцію сульфат-49, 9% Цеоліти-49, 9%) 2
Iodoclin. COMPOSITION Iodoform-0.2% Calcium sulfate-49.9% Zeolites-49.9% PHARMACEUTICAL PROPERTIES The drug has bactericidal and bacteriostatic effects...
Aleksandr Viktorovych,Kharkov region., Selling
Суха дезінфекція - Важливий елемент біобезпеки. Кліносан та Йодоклін від виробника ЗВК 6
Dry disinfection - An important element of biosecurity. Clinosan and Iodoclin from the ZVK manufacturer! KLINOSAN - powder for disinfection: - It shows bacteric...
Aleksandr Viktorovich,Kharkov region., Selling
Йодоклін (Дезинфікуючий засіб) від виробника 2
Iodoclin Pharmaceutical form: - Powder for disinfection. The tool is used for disinfection and sanitary treatment of livestock premises, enclosures...
Alexander Viktorovych,Kharkiv region., Selling
Екодезмаст (Гель протизапальний) від виробника
The gel is anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, moisturizing, covers the scapula with a thin, greasy layer and thus protects it from drying out, which is caused by frequent washing...
Aleksandr Viktorovych,Kharkov region., Selling
Антибактеріальна присипка «Заживинка» від ЗВК
22.8 UAH.
Antibacterial powder "Zazhivinka" from ZVK. Antibacterial powder "Zazhivinka" - It is used for the treatment and prevention of big horn...
Aleksandr Viktorovych,Kharkiv region., Selling
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