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 / Feed, compound feed, supplements  / Premixes  / Poltava region.

Premixes in Poltava region

Sale of premixes wholesale and retail in Poltava / Poltava region: 80 actual ads from sellers in Poltava region with direct contacts. "Agro-Ukraine" gives an excellent opportunity to buy premixes in Poltava at a favorable price due to the wide selection offered and the absence of intermediaries. All ads are added for free, approximately in 1-2 minutes.
Total found, announced: 8 (including archives). Shown: 1 - 8. Display mode:
Actual ads
All Ukraine: Forage, compound feed, supplements 1246 / Premixes 80|| |310
Полтавская обл.:  Forage, compound feed, supplements 68  / Premixes 0
all Ukraine
Archived ads
Премикс для поросят, премікс для поросят, ВМАС 4%-3%, СТАРТ Дорощування 8
320 hryvnias.
The most important advantages: VERY EASY DOSING, one bucket is equal to 100 kg of feed Highly concentrated amino acid-mineral-vitamin mixture High ri...Price: UAH 320.
Aleksandr Aleksandrovich,Poltava region., Will sell/buy
Гранулированная кормовая смесь 2
10 грн.
Granulated feed mixture for animals (birds, rabbits, goats, horses, pigs, etc.). Balanced food. Composition: 30% - corn; 30% - psh...Price: UAH 10.
Oleksandr Lazko,Poltava region., Sell/buy
Премиксы, кормовые добавки для свиней, готовый корм для птицы Сано (Sano), АКЦИЯ
10 hryvnias.
We offer a large assortment of concentrates and premixes for proper and quick breeding of livestock, especially in the field of pig breeding. Order...Price: UAH 10.
Representative,Poltava region., Will sell/buy
Премікси MaxCare Калинка Макскер БМВД 3
35 hryvnias.
Detailed information by phone Piglets: Maksker Piglet Ex 3% for the starter period of piglets 10-30 kg Maksker Fertilizer Ex 2.5% for fattening...Price: UAH 35.
Maxim Maxim,Poltava region., I will sell/buy
БМВД, универсальный концетрат для бройлеров
18 грн.
Universal BMVD for broilers aged from 0 to 60 days of life BMVD TM "Best Mix" 8230 Type of animals: broilers aged from 0 to 60 days of life...
Marina,Poltava region., Sell/buy
Премикс, БМВД для свиней
Premixes , BMVD for pigs: starter, grower, finisher, lactating, pregnant sows.
Elena,Poltava region., Will sell/buy
Премикс, БМВД для КРС
Premix , BMVD for calves, milking, lactating, dry cows. 0962910707 wholesale / retail
Elena,Poltava region., I will sell
8.6 hryvnias.
We offer a large assortment of concentrates and premixes for proper and quick breeding of livestock, especially in the field of pig breeding. Order...
Andrii,Poltava region., Selling
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