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 / Forage, feed, supplements  / Premixes  / Odessa region.

Premixes in Odessa region

Sale of premixes wholesale and retail in Odessa / Odessa region: 80 actual ads from sellers in the Odessa region with direct contacts. "Agro-Ukraine" gives an excellent opportunity to buy premixes in Odessa at a favorable price due to the wide selection offered and the absence of intermediaries. All ads are added for free, approximately in 1-2 minutes.
Total found, announced: 5 (including archives). Shown: 1 - 5. Display mode:
БМВД и премикс «Оптиум плюс» 3% для перепелов, бройлеров, уток, индюков
160 UAH.
BMVD and premix "Optium plus" 3% for quails, broilers, ducks, turkeys. BMVD "Optium plus" starter and layer is suitable for feeding. broiler ...Price: UAH 160.
Сергей Анатолевич,Одесская обл., 20-09-2024, Will sell/buy
Actual ads
All Ukraine:  | ||334Корма, комбикорма, добавки 1238 / || |340Премиксы 80
Odessa region: Forage, compound feed, additives 67 / Premixes 1
all of Ukraine
Архивные объявления
I will buy premixes, fodder additives, cakes, minerals and other components for S/X animal fodder,
Yuriy Aleksandrovych,Odessa region., I will buy
ООО Юамикс производит и продает премиксы и кормовые добавки
ООО «ЮАМИКС» является французко-украинским предприятием, созданным для оказания услуг по удовлетворению потребностей хозяйств в кормах и кормовых п...
Evgeny,Odessa region., I will sell/buy
Кормовые ферменты--целлюлаза
Effectiveness applications A. effectively supplements the deficiency of endogenous enzymes, reduces the level of diseases of the digestive tract, contributes to...
Irina,Odessa region., Will sell/buy
Sorghum waste for sale cleaning sorghum, the price is negotiable. We are in Odessa. Packaging is possible.
Igor Kravchenko,Odessa region., I will sell/buy
Alternative searches

Search`premixes ` in `Different feed, compound feed, additives + in assortment`
