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Storage services for agricultural products in Odesa oblast

65 актуальных объявлений о предложении - спросе на хранение с.х. продукции: прямые контакты, без посредников
Total found, declared: 23 (including archives). Shown: 1 - 20. Mode displays:
Хранение и Накопление зерна в Одессе 3
Grain Storage and Storage in Odessa grain trust our company GTK-STROY . Our warehouses are dry and protected. The location is near - ...
PerevalkaZerna,Odessa oblast., 26-09-2024, I will provide a service
I will rent in warehouse for rent in the village of Novoelizavetovka, Krasnoznamenka district, Odessa region. One hangar can accommodate +-1000 tons. Total hangars 3
Dmitry,Odessa region., 25-09-2024, I will provide the service
Хранение овощей, фруктов, ягод в рефрижераторных контейнерах 2
Storage of vegetables, fruits, berries in refrigerated containers at temperatures +25 - 25 C Help in organizing a warehouse, storing vegetables with...Price: $7,500
Юлия,Odessa region., 23-09-2024, I will provide a service
Услуги елеватора Одесса
We offer professional drying services and storage of grain and oil crops. We will ensure the preservation of your harvest in the best conditions. m. Ode...
Olga,Odessa region., 17-09-2024, I will provide the service
Зберігання, перевалка, очищення, фасування зерна
Storage, transshipment, grain cleaning services. Also packaging of grain in bag bags. Location - village Pokrovske, Reshetylivsky district, Poltava ...
Stanislav Eduardovich,Odessa region., 16-09-2024, I will provide the service
Арочные бескаркасные ангары, склады и сооружения быстро, качественно, надёжно 5
950 UAH.
Offers of the "Angaryugstroy" company in the construction of frameless arched hangars - a rare combination of fast results and high quality...Цена: 950 грн.
Дмитрий,Odessa region., 12-09-2024, I will provide a service
Actual ads
all Ukraine
Архивные объявления
Здаю в оренду зерносховища для зберігання соняху 20
We accept sunflower seeds for storage in our own warehouse. You get 70%-75% of the net profit from the price increase, we get 25%-30%. We will help with the cost ...
Mykola Mykolayovych,Odessa region., I will provide the service
Перевалка зернових Ізмаїл
Our company offers services for the transshipment of grain cargoes through our own car and railway terminal in the city of Izmail (Ukraine, Odesa region...
Evgeniy Yuriyovych,Odessa region., I will provide the service
100 UAH.| ||798
Приемка авто - 30 леев/т хранение - 60 леев/т Очистка - 60 леев/т Отпуск авто - 60 леев/т Отпуск ЖД - 70 леев/т Прямая погрузка на вагон - 60 ... Price: UAH 100.
Stepan Culiș,Odessa region., I will provide the service
We offer a complete complex of transshipment grain and services for loading grain into a container at an elevator in Odesa region, contact by phone ...
Marina,Odessa region., I will provide a service
I will rent in rent a refrigerating chamber for vegetables, there is a blowing chamber for storing onions. 190m2, 121m2, 480m2. 20 km from Odessa, a transport interchange...
Nikolay,Odessa region., I will provide a service
Required service for storage / shock freezing of plums.
Валерий,Одесская обл., Требуется сузность
Послуги сушки та зберігання зернових та кукурудзи
"KOLOS" LLC provides grain and corn drying and storage services at its own warehouse in the village of Gradenytsia, Bilyaiv district, Odesa region
Vadim,Odessa region., I will provide a service
Частное предприятие оказывает услуги по хранению, перевалке, очистке, фасовке зерновых, бобовых, масленичных и др. сельхоз культур. Находимся возле...
Denis,Odessa region., I will provide a service
Плодоовощная база в Одессе предлагает сотрудничество
Fruit the base in Odessa offers fruit and vegetable producers storage services, assistance in sales. Ready to consider a friend...
Olha Seifullina,Odessa region.
Очистка и хранение зерновых культур
OOO "Royal Sidz" owns its own grain warehouse in the village of Lyubopol of the Kominternovsky district, which is 15 km from Yuzhny port. We are glad to offer...
Tatiana,Odessa region., I will provide a service
Перевалка зерновых
UKRROSMINNAFTA company provides a full range transshipment services of grain, leguminous and butter crops, namely: - storage of cargo in warehouses; -...
Dmitry,Odessa region., I will provide a service
Перевалка зерновыx и генеральных грузов 2
Компания OOO "Гео Логистик" предлагает полный комплекс услуг по логистике грузов (как генеральных, так и сыпучих), их обработке, таможенн...
Dovgan Aleksandr, Stepanov Vladlen,Odessa region., I will provide a service
Перетарка зерновых в контейнера
11 грн.
We will provide services for transshipment of grain and bulk cargo, its storage and shipping by sea containers at the most competitive prices. Our company operates...
Bernatskaya Viktoria,Odessa region., I will provide a service
Сдам в аренду морозильный склад 2
10 hryvnias.
Freezer warehouse for rent with an area of ​​500 square meters. m. The height of the ceilings is 6 meters - it is possible to stack 3 tiers of goods in height. The storage temperature is «-...
Vladyslav,Odessa region., I will provide a service
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