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 /  Fertilizers and plant protection products  / Complex fertilizers

Комплексные удобрения

Sale of complex fertilizers wholesale and retail: 439 actual ones announced by Ukrainian sellers with direct contacts. "Agro-Ukraine" gives an excellent opportunity to buy complex fertilizers at a favorable price due to a wide selection of offers and the absence of intermediaries. All ads are added for free, approximately in 1-2 minutes.
Total found, announced: 439. Displayed: 1 - 20. Display mode:| ||319
Діамофоска 9-25-25, 10-26-26, 8-24-24, 8-19-29 4
31,000 UAH.| ||328
Поставляємо мінеральні добрива NPK: нітроамофоска 15:15:15, 16:16:16; діамофоска 10:26:26, 9:25:25, 8:19:29, Поліфоска 8 8:24:24, поліфоска 6 6:20:... Price: UAH 31,000| ||332
Агролига ТД, ООО, Khmelnytska region., 30-09-2024, Sell/buy
Мікродобриво МІНЕРАЛІС 4
130 грн.
Mineralis microfertilizers are intended for feeding agricultural crops. Complex fertilizers for: - Cereals; - Corn; - Oily; ...Price: UAH 130.
Dmytro,Kyiv, 29-09-2024, Will sell/buy
БОР Баланс NPK 14.10.12+B7.5+S10+AMK 0.6 Комплексне добриво PARTNER 6
Бор Баланс - это инновационный борный продукт, в состав которого кроме 75 г / кг чистого бора входят азот, фосфор, калий, сера и аминокислоты. Для...
PARTNER PF,Kharkov region., 09-29-2024, Sell/buy || |399
БОР Nitro N11+B15+S4.5 Комплексное удобрение PARTNER 6
БОР Nitro is a product that is well known for its effectiveness as for the prevention of boron deficiency, as well as for the quick elimination of this deficiency...
PARTNER PF,Vinnytsia region., 09-29-2024, Sell/buy
NPK 20.20.20+S+Mg+ME Комплексне добриво, удобрения PARTNER 3
A universal complex that can be used throughout the growing season. An even ratio of NPK ensures the growth and development of pl...
PARTNER PF,Kyiv, 29-09-2024, Sell/buy
NPK 14.14.14, Азофоска, Нітроамофоска - мінеральна гранула, добриво безхлорне. 20т 3
20,500 UAH.
The price is indicated from 20 tons Big bag 1000 kg. Shipment by road transport, village of Nova Lyubomyrka, Rivne region BUY UKRAINIAN! Good...Price: UAH 20,500.
PLANTONIT®,Khmelnytska region., 29-09-2024, Продам / купить
Марганець хелат Plantonit – рідке добриво для профілактики дефіциту марганцю
Canister 20l Consumption rate is 0.5-1 l/ha Plantonit Manganese (Mn*) is a liquid fertilizer for the prevention of manganese deficiency in plants. The drug is prescribed...
PLANTONIT®,Kyiv region., 09-29-2024, Selling
Кукурудза Plantonit Frumentum -живлення: кукурудза, сорго
Canister 20 l Consumption rate: 1-2 l/ha Plantonit Frumentum - a unique complex fertilizer for foliar feeding of such plants as: corn...
PLANTONIT®,Cherkasskaya oblast., 29-09-2024, Продам
Бобові Plantonit Faba – живлення зернобобових культур
Canister 20l Consumption rate: 1-3 l/ha Plantonit Faba is a complex and balanced fertilizer, which was developed taking into account the need for nutrients...
PLANTONIT®,Khmelnytska region., 29-09-2024, Selling
Био-комплекс хлорелла 5л для комнатных растений 5
200 UAH.
Био-комплекс хлорелла 5л для комнатных растений. Живые одноклеточные зеленые микро-водоросли в культурной водной среде или "зеленое золото&qu... Price: UAH 200.
Sergey Anatolevych,Odessa region., 29-09-2024, Selling
Комплексное органоминеральное удобрение 2
7 UAH.
Complex organomineral fertilizer. Complex organomineral fertilizer EM - "universal", containing macro and microelements, which will accept...
Sergey Anatolevych,Odessa region., 29-09-2024, Selling
Пропонуємо мінеральні добрива 4
Fertilizer manufacturer with many years of experience, "Agrovit Group" LLC, Vinnytsia offers high-quality fertilizers of its own production, namely: 1. Sul...
Serhii,Vinnytsia region., 28-09-2024, Selling
Полифоска 6 NPK (S) 6 20 30 (7) 2
22,500 hryvnias.
Polifoska complex granulated NPK fertilizers for basic, pre-sowing application to the soil and fertilizing of agricultural crops...
Agrolyga TD, LLC,Kiev region., 27-09-2024, Selling
Азотно фосфорний комплекс NPS 12:40:10 добриво
32,500 UAH.
Advantages of Fertilizer: 1 Complex nutrition The product includes eight power elements that will ensure a quick start and stable development...
Agroliga TD, LLC,Kirovohrad region., 27-09-2024, Selling
Яра Міла NPK 16:27:7
34 500 грн.
YaraMila 16-27-7 is a high-quality granular NPK fertilizer for agricultural crops. With high phosphorus content. Contains as immediately available...
Agroliga TD, LLC,Kirovohrad region., 09-27-2024, Selling
Яра міла NPK 7:20:28 Yara
34,000 UAH.
AraMila NPK 7-20-28 is a high-quality granular NPK fertilizer for agricultural crops. Contains as an immediately available thread...
Agrolyga TD, LLC,Kirovohrad region., 27-09-2024, Selling
Рідке комплексне добриво ЖКУ NP 11 37
19 800 грн.
Zhku (11-37) is a highly effective, fast-acting fertilizer. It is an aqueous solution of ammonium phosphates, contains two nutrients: nitrogen and phosphorus in sp...
Agroliga TD, LLC,Kirovohrad region., 09-27-2024, Selling
Нитроаммофоска 16:16:16 2
37,000 UAH.
Nitroammophoska is a complex nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium fertilizer. It has gained wide popularity among farmers and summer residents, and all thanks to ...
Agrolyga TD, LLC,Kirovohrad region., 27-09-2024, Selling
Полифоска 8 NPK (S) 8 24 24 (9) 2
32,000 UAH.
POLIFOSKA 8 NPK (S) 8-24-24- (9) - is an effective fertilizer for any crop, as contains a uniform ratio of the main elements ...
Agroliga TD, LLC,Kirovohrad region., 27-09-2024, Selling
Сульфоамофос NPS 20:20:9 2
23,500 UAH.
Mineral fertilizer, is a universal, water-soluble, granular nitrogen-phosphorus product with sulfur. Fertilizer has 100% friability, not ...
Agrolyga TD, LLC,Kirovohrad region., 27-09-2024, Selling
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