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 / Fertilizers and plant protection products  / Nitrogen fertilizers

Nitrogen fertilizers

Sale of nitrogen fertilizers wholesale and retail: 220 actual ads from Ukrainian sellers with direct contacts. "Agro-Ukraine" gives an excellent opportunity to buy nitrogen fertilizers at a favorable price due to a wide selection of offers and the absence of intermediaries. All ads are added for free, approximately in 1-2 minutes.
Total found, announced: 220. Shown: 1 - 20. Display mode:| ||337
БОР Maxi В21% Минеральное удобрение PARTNER 6
BOR Maxi is a benchmark product both in terms of boron concentration and ego quality Boron is presented in a highly concentrated, fast-dissolving form...
PARTNER PF,Chernovytsia region., 12-10-2024, Will sell/buy
NPK 35.10.10+S+Mg+МЕ Комплексне добриво PARTNER 7
Стартовий комплекс, рекомендується на ранніх стадіях вегетації, коли потреба в азоті велика. Висока концентрація азоту в поєднанні з сіркою та магн...
PARTNER PF,Poltava Region, 12-10 -2024, Sell/Buy
Азот Турбо Plantonit, концентроване добриво для ефективного усунення дефіциту азоту 2
*Canister 20l Plantonit Turbo Nitrogen – Liquid concentrated nitrogen fertilizer designed for effective elimination of nitrogen deficiency in the early stages of development...
PLANTONIT®,Kyiv region.|| |410, 12-10-2024, Продам / купить
Фотосинтез Plantonit Photosynthesis забезпечує рослини основними поживними речовинами 2
Канистра 20л Норма витрат 1,5-2 л/га Plantonit Photosynthesis – добриво, що забезпечує рослини основними поживними речовинами, необхідними для о...
PLANTONIT®,Cherkasskaya oblast., 12-10-2024, Selling / will buy
Мінеральні і комплексні добрива, карбамід сечовина, аміачна селітра, гранульована сірка
16,000 UAH.
We formed a powerful a database of suppliers of fertilizers and pesticides, as well as Farmers, who will supply them all with wholesale applications AGROBAZA continues free...Price: UAH 16,000.
Kseniya,Kyiv region., 11-10-2024, Selling/buying
Широкий асортимент добрив на складах по Україні і в портах, ціни з ПДВ
20,000 UAH.
ORDER A PRICE LINK FOR 200+ FERTILIZER ITEMS Urea Turkmenistan Orlivka 20000 Urea Azerbaijan Orlivka 20200 Ubamide Uzbekist...Price: UAH 20,000.
Ksenia,Kiev region., 11-10-2024, I will sell/buy
БіоДеструктор стерні, бактеріальний (Угорщина) Добрива, удобрения Филазонит
4800 €
Order from 2000 l. Biodestructor Filazonite: manufactured in the EU (Hungary), canisters are protected by a factory seal Breaks down 80% of stubble in 1 month and...Price: 4800 €
PHILAZONITE UKRAINE,Zakarpatskaya oblast.| ||530, 11-10-2024, Продам
Залізо Хелат Fe EDTA 13% Добриво PARTNER. 250г 4
Degree of chelation 100%, iron content Fe - 130 g/kg Iron is a trace element that is absorbed by plants in the largest amount and is functional...
PARTNER PF,Kyiv region. , 11-10-2024, Selling
Цинк Nitro N23 + S8 + Zn5 удобрение комплексное PARTNER 5
Effective complex, which includes 50 g of pure zinc in chelated form (EDTA), nitrogen and sulfur. A high concentration of nitrogen and sulfur improves...
PARTNER PF,Kirovohrad region., 11-10-2024, Selling
Азот-Турбо Plantonit, концентроване азотне добриво, 20л 2
*Composition: - Nitrogen (total N) 400 g/l - Vitamin complex B1, B6, D, H, PP - 0.04% - Amino acids 2 g/l - Carboxylic acids 1 g/l - SO3 20 g/l - А...
PLANTONIT®,Kiev region., 11-10-2024, Selling
Мідь хелат Plantonit - добриво для системної профілактики, покращення доступності азоту
Canister 20l Consumption rate is 0.5-2 l/ha Plantonit Copper Cu* is a liquid fertilizer for systemic prevention and improving availability nitrogen It affects with...
PLANTONIT®,Kyiv region., 11-10-2024, Selling || |651
Енергія Plantonit Energy - набор вегетативної маси, підвищення стійкості до стресу 2
*Canister 20l Consumption rate: 1-2 l/ha. Plantonit Energy is an energy fertilizer for gaining vegetative mass and increasing plant resistance to cold...
PLANTONIT®,Kyiv region., 11-10-2024, Selling
КАС-32 (карбамідна-аміачна суміш)
15,000 UAH.
KAS contains ammonium, amide and nitrogen forms of nitrogen, thanks to which the fertilizer has a prolonged effect, and the plants during the growing season are provided with three... |692Цена: 15 000 грн.
ЧП "Укрхимпром-2005", Cherkasskaya oblast., 11-10-2024, Selling
Карбомид Туркменистан марки (Б) 2
21,800 UAH.
Carbomid (bag) Composition: 46% — Nitrogen (N) • Suitable for all types of agricultural plants, this nitrogen fertilizer is in a solid form, which...
LLC "TD "Svarog Agro",Dnepropetrovsk region., 11-10-2024, Selling
41,000 UAH.
Phosphorus is necessary to increase the productivity of all plant crops. It acts as an energy generator for all processes...
LLC "TD "Svarog Agro",Dnepropetrovsk region., 11-10-2024, Selling
Удобрение Яра Мила 16-16-16 Финляндия биг-бег (600)
26,000 UAH.
YaraMila NPK 16-16-16 complex NPK fertilizer for basic application.Two balanced forms of nitrogen: nitrate and ammonium, and two forms of phosphorus per...
LLC "TD "Svarog Agro",Dnepropetrovsk region., 11-10-2024, Selling
Сульфоаммофос NP 20:20+13S Болгария
24 000 грн.
PRODUCT COMPOSITION NP(S) 20:20(13) Mass fraction of total phosphates (P2O5), % 20 +/-1 Mass fraction of ammonium nitrogen, % 20+/-1 Mass fraction of sulfate...
LLC "TD "Svarog Agro",Dnepropetrovsk region., 11-10-2024, Selling
Удобрение Сульфат Аммония гранула( Нидерланды)
16,900 hryvnias.
Ammonium sulfate is best used for the main fertilizer with deep root placement on neutral and alkaline soils
LLC "TD "Svarog Agro",Dnepropetrovsk region., 11-10-2024, Selling
Амиачная Селитра Польша Pulan 2
18,000 hryvnias.
Universal nitrogen fertilizer of European quality, which is used for all agricultural crops and on all types of soil both when sowing and when fertilizing...
LLC "TD "Svarog Agro",Dnepropetrovsk region., 11-10-2024, Selling
Сульфат аммония (Нидерланды) 2
16,800 UAH.
Ammonium sulfate. Composition: (NH4)2SO4. (Russia - big bag) Ammonium sulfate is one of the nitrogen-sulfur mineral widely used in agriculture...
LLC "TD "Svarog Agro",Dnepropetrovsk region., 11-10-2024, Selling
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