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Equipment for apiaries

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Холстики, матики. Утеплювач войлокоподібний Положок Бджоломатки Пакети 8
22 hryvnias.
Two-thread canvas and burlap are available. Felt-like insulation. The upper bars of the beehive frames are covered with canvas (a blanket, canvas)...Price: UAH 22.
Apiland (Olena),Poltava Region., 17-07-2024, Sell/Buy
2000 UAH.
I will sell a 4-frame aluminum honey comb. The price is 2000 UAH. Brovary district, Letki.Price: UAH 2000.
Александр,Kiev region., 09-07-2024, I will sell/buy
Продам ящик для перевезення бджіл
170 грн.
I will sell a box for transporting bees. There are 150 pcs. All details and orders by phone, Pavlo PavlovichPrice: UAH 170.
Pavlo Pavlovich,Zakarpatskaya oblast., 07-05-2024, Will sell/buy
Рамки для ульев. Еврорамки 6
10 UAH.
Beehive frames. Euroframes. Frames for beehives made of freshly sawn pine, dried in a chamber dryer. Upper and lower bar with a choice of Euro lock...Price: UAH 10.
Euro frame,Kiev, 04-07-2024, Sell/Buy
Рамки для ульев от производителя 4
10 грн.
Beehive frames. Euroframes from the manufacturer. High-quality frames for beehives, made on a specialized woodworking equipment...
Euroframe,Kyiv, 07-04-2024, Sell/buy
Рамки для ульев. Еврорамки с отверстиями 4
10 UAH.
Beehive frames. Euroframes with holes. Euroframes for beehives are produced on modern high-tech equipment Production line...
Euroframe,Kyiv, 07-04-2024, Sell/buy
Рамки для вуликів, бджіл від виробника 3
10 UAH.
Frames for beehives and bees from the producer. Beekeeping is one of the oldest occupations of Ukrainians. Honey is a symbol of purity, God's word, inspiration, tr...
Euroframe,Kyiv, 04-07- 2024, Selling
Рамки для ульев. Европейское качество 4
10 hryvnias.
Quality is of great importance to all residents of Europe and the whole planet. European production quality is a totality properties and signs...
Euroframe,Kyiv, 07-04-2024, Selling
Продам Улья Двукорпусные
1480 hryvnias.
We produce and sell beehives Ruta Dadan Lezhak Ukrainian and to order. Pine (Freshly sawn), chamber drying, sizes according to the company's standard...
Karpenko Valery Ivanovich,Sumy oblast., 01-07-2024, I will sell
Продам Улья Лежак
1420 hryvnias.
We produce and sell beehives, Ukranian bed and to order. Pine (Freshly sawn), drying chamber, sizes according to the company's standard, full bundle...
Valery Ivanovich Karpenko,Sum region., 07-01-2024, Selling
Продам Улья
1570 hryvnias.
We produce and sell beehives Multi-body (Ruta) 3 bodies and to order. Pine (Freshly sawn), chamber drying, dimensions according to the company standard...
Valery Ivanovich Karpenko,Sumy region., 01-07-2024, Selling
Виробництво ППУ вуликів Бджоляр 9
1550 UAH.
Price 10 frames The roof is high multi-functional (space above the frame 4 cm) with the possibility of placing beehive on beehive, a guide under the tension frame...
Aleksey Sergeevich,Dnipropetrovsk region., 30-06-2024, Selling
Вулики ППУ від віробника 8
1550 UAH.
Price 10 frames The roof is high multi-functional (space above the frame 4 cm) with the possibility of installing a beehive on a beehive, a slot for scraps and fun...
Aleksey Sergeevich,Dnepropetrovsk region., 30-06-2024, Selling
Продам пасічний електричний ніж 3
500 UAH.
An electric beekeeping knife, was used for 2 seasons, the "Guslia" knife works from 12-24v .
Golden Honeycombs of Ukraine,Cherkasskaya Oblast., 06-25-2024, Selling
Продам вощину з натурального воску
300 UAH.
I will sell wax made from natural wax. Without additives, dyes and lighting. The price of a pack of 5 kg is UAH 1,500. Sending by mail to...
Anatoly,Donetsk region., 24-06-2024, Selling
Продам корпусні вулики 7
1500 UAH.
I will sell shell beehives with two extensions (used for 2 years): 10 beehives of the Dadan type (consists of the following parts: bottom, nest body ...
Tamara Mykolaivna,Zhytomyr region., 19-06-2024, Selling
Металлізірлвана пльонка для пчеловодства
I will sell metallized film for beekeeping. width 460mm
Ivan,Poltava region., 17-06-2024, I will sell
Ящики для перевозки пчел и пчелопакеты карпатки 7| ||856
200 hryvnias.
Box for transporting bee packets for 4 frames (Dadan). Universal, multifunctional complex, special design, intended for temporary...
Golovatsky Hryhoriy Vladimirovich,Lviv region., 16-06-2024, I will sell
Продам вулики б/у 4
500 hryvnias.
Used beehives for sale, recumbent and cased, with cases and frames. Also two honey races: for 2 frames and for 4. The price is negotiable. Self pickup
Valery Odnorog,Dnepropetrovsk region., 09-06-2024, Selling
Вощина Покровська 2
290 hryvnias.
We sell wax of 4 types Ruta, Dadan, tinder, for a half frame (145) Beekeeping "Pokrovska". Exchange of wax for wax and merva .
Sergey,Odessa region., 06-06-2024, Selling
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