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Equipment for apiaries

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Решітка роздільна 2
74 UAH.
Separate grid Apis, size 500mm * 425mm, price 74 UAH. details by phone. discounts from of quantities
OLEH,Khmelnytska region., 30-09-2024, Will sell/buy
Кормушка рамочна дадан 4 літра 3
100 UAH.
Dadan frame feeder 4 liters Installed instead of one 300th frame. Dimensions: Shoulder length - 469mm The length of the feeder itself from above...Price: UAH 100.
OLEG,Khmelnytska region., 30-09-2024, Will sell/buy
Продам пилкозбірники АПІС+ з фіксатором решітки 70грн 3
70 UAH.
I will sell dust collectors "APIS" in any quantity!! Price 70 UAH. Details by phoneЦена: 70 грн.
OLEG,Khmelnytska region., 30-09-2024, I will sell/buy
Продам пыльцесборники АПИС+ с фиксатором решетки 70грн
70 UAH.
I will sell dust collectors APYS Plus with grid lock 70 UAH difference. width 20 cm, height 18, the grid rises, the tray is ventilated and removed, round...Price: UAH 70.
OLEG,Khmelnytska region., 30-09-2024, Will sell/buy
Продам пилкозбірники АПІС+ 70грн 2
70 UAH.
I will sell dust collectors Apis 70 UAH each, details by phone. NEW
OLEG,Khmelnytska region., 30-09-2024, Will sell/buy
Продам дно, подкрышник, кришка к улью 9
470 UAH.
Beehives and frames from a beekeeper Ecologically clean, dried in its own chamber drying, pine material. We work only with freshly sawn boards...
Maria,Sum region., 30-09-2024, Will sell/buy
Продам рамки на 300 мм 3
9 UAH.
We offer good, high-quality, almost knot-free frames for bees. If the frame is without dividers, the price of the frame is UAH 8 per piece. Dadan 435*300 m...
Maria,Sumy region., 30-09-2024, Selling
Вулик, улики, улья для пчел 9
1200 hryvnias.
Beehives and frames for bees for 10 and 12 frames. There are beehives with folded wall thickness of 35 mm, and without fold wall thickness of 25 mm. The price for 10 frames (35...
Maria,Sumy region., 30-09-2024, Selling
Дно для улья 3
210 hryvnias.
I will sell a removable bottom for 10 frame beehives on folded pine casings. The material undergoes chamber drying. Possible presence of knots. We will send to love...
Maria,Sumy region., 30-09-2024, Selling
Продам корпус на рамку 300 мм 6
380 hryvnias.
Beehives and frames from a beekeeper. The internal dimensions of the cases are 450 mm by 380 mm, ten-frame, the hulls are sent not assembled, so the delivery is for you...
Maria,Sumy region., 30-09-2024, Selling
Лежак на 20, 22, 24 рамки 8
1300 UAH.
We make hives - sunbeds for 20, 22, and 24 frames on a frame of 300 mm Dadan from pine. The wall thickness is 35 mm. The set includes: bottom (non-removable), body, p...
Maria,Sumy region., 30-09-2024, Selling
Ящик для пчел, роев, отводков 3
450 hryvnias.
We manufacture boxes for swarms, withdrawals on 6 frames with dimensions of 435*300 mm (Dadan). Plywood material. The wall thickness is 20 mm. The lid is in a bag. Box about...
Maria,Sumy region., 30-09-2024, Selling
Продам улья, рамки для пчел 6
1200 hryvnias.
Hives and frames for beekeepers Ecologically clean, dried in its own chamber drying, pine material. We work only with freshly sawn boards...
Maria,Sumy region., 30-09-2024, Selling
Продам корпус на рамку 230 мм 5
300 UAH.
We can make a case with a thickness of 35 mm. The body is 35 mm thick and has walls made of a solid board and two parts. We also make a case...
Maria,Sumy region., 30-09-2024, Selling
Продам корпус на рамку 145 мм 4
210 UAH.
We are selling cases without folds for a frame with a height of 145 mm, a wall thickness of 25 mm - UAH 160 (disassembled) and UAH 180 (assembled). We can make a case...
Maria,Sumy region., 30-09-2024, Selling
Вулики для бджіл, улик, улья, вулик дадан 5
9 UAH.
Beehives for bees for 10 and 12 frames. There are beehives with folded wall thickness of 35 mm, and without fold wall thickness of 25 mm. Price for 10 frames (35mm): Corpus...
Maria,Sumy region., 30-09-2024, Selling
Рамки для пчел, рамка Дадан, рамка Рута, улья 4
8 UAH.
I will sell frames for bees. Frame for 300 mm - 9 UAH, 230 mm - 9 UAH, for 145 mm - 7.5 UAH per piece, there is also a Ukrainian frame - 8 UAH. There are frames with cutouts for UAH 8.5...
Maria,Sumy region., 30-09-2024, Selling
Продам улья, улики, улик, вулик, вулики Дадан, рамки для пчел 6
9 UAH.
We are located in the Sumy region. I will sell corporal ten-frame beehives: Good conditions, convenient delivery case for 145 (35 mm with folds) - 210 k...
Maria,Sumy region., 30-09-2024, Selling
Лезо 80х20, лезвие для изготовления скребков 3
Blade 80x20. It is used for making scrapers. The price is UAH 3/pc. There is another miscellaneous tool for the beekeeper
Anna,Kirovohrad region., 29-09-2024, Selling
Аркуш типографічного алюмінію для оббивки дахів бджолиних вуликів
40 hryvnias.
A sheet of typographic aluminum for covering the roofs of beehives. 557*720mm. The retail price is UAH 40, from 10 pcs - UAH 38, from 100 pcs - UAH 35
Anna,Kirovohrad region., 29-09-2024, Selling
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