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Equipment for apiaries

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Тенты, навесы брезентовые, палатки армейские любых размеров, пошив 12
1350 UAH.
Awnings, canvas canopies, army tents 10- 20-50 local, any size, tailoringPrice: UAH 1350.
Vadym,Odessa region., 28-08-2024, Will sell/buy
Продам летковый заградитель, нижний с доставкой по всей Украине 4
15 UAH.
A lower flight barrier is for sale from the manufacturer. L=230mm. There is also the same one only long 150mm (PHOTO 2, price 11 UAH) and for the upper fly...
Андрей,Sumskaya oblast., 28-08-2024, I will sell/buy
Вощина ФОП Дубовик
Виробник ФОП Дубовик М.О. пропонує вощину в асортименті: Дадан 410*260мм Рут 410*207мм Магазинна 410*120мм Українська 277*395мм Альпійська 260...
FOP Dubovik M.O.,Ivano-Frankivsk region., 28-08-2024, Will sell/buy
Матрица для изготовления вощины в домашних условиях
2900 UAH.
Sale of matrices for making wax at home from natural wax from my apiary.Matrix for rolling , a smooth sheet is being produced...Price: UAH 2900.
Vladlen,Zaporozhskaya oblast., 28-08-2024, Will sell/buy
Продам вулик в гарному робочому стані, повна комплектація рамки, суш, кормушки та ін
I will sell a quality beehive for bees. The hive is in good working condition, it is possible to settle bees. The beehive rests on the Dadan frame. The price is negotiable, depends on the university...
Alyona,Kyiv region., 28-08-2024, Selling/buying
Продам шпатель для переноса лічинок 5
30 hryvnias.
I will sell Chinese automatic spatulas photo 1, price 30 hryvnias/pc. also a graphite spatula photo 2,3,4,5, price 50 UAH/piecePrice: 30 UAH.
Sasha,Cherkasskaya oblast., 27-08-2024, Will sell/buy
Продам ленту-мисочки для маточного молочка 3
22 hryvnias.
I will sell new ribbon bowls for royal milk
Sasha,Cherkasskaya oblast., 27-08-2024, Selling
Продам дах виробництва Туреччина на 10 рамковий вулик 5| ||558
400 UAH.
I will sell a roof for 10 frame beehives made in Turkey, new condition. For all questions, please contact the number Exchange is possible for bee packages.
Sasha,Cherkasskaya oblast., 27-08-2024, Selling
Фільтр для воску 5
Wax filter. Wax filtration. The wax filter is made of stainless steel. A system for heating raw materials in the filter process is provided...
Reknad Danker.Днепропетровская обл., 27-08-2024, Продам
Фільтрація воску 5
Wax Filtration. Wax filter. The wax filter is made of stainless steel. A system for heating raw materials in the filter process is provided...
Nikolay,Khmelnytska region., 27-08-2024, Selling
Медогонка нержавійка Łysoń на 56 рамок 4
85 500 UAH.
Honeycomb radial 56- frame automatic 220V Ø1200mm Lyson Classic ID: W2008000 In stock 96,216 ₴ Bee Garden seller 98% Characteristics...
Dmitry,Zhytomyr region., 26-08-2024, I will sell
3000 hryvnias.
Prism for refractometer IRF 454 B2. The main spare part of the device. We repair the refractometer IRF 454B2
Agrochemical laboratory worker,Dnepropetrovsk region., 08-26-2024, Selling
Верстат німецького виробника JÄGER для виготовлення бджільницької сітки. Продаємо
Selling. The machine of the German manufacturer JÄGER for the production of bee netting for components for beehives and inventory. Produces woven nets ...
Sales department,Kharkiv region., 26-08-2024, I will sell
Бджолопавільйон 3
A pavilion based on a tractor trailer for 26 families with bees. Beehives for a warm drift.
Yuriy,Chernigov region., 23-08-2024, Selling
Рефрактометр RHB-82ATC. Для определения содержания сахарозы (45-82% Brix) 2
875 грн.
Рефрактометр RHB-82ATC определяет концентрацию (в %) сахарозы в различных соках, напитках, сиропах, плотность виноградного сусла, служащей индикато...
Stanislav Gennadievich,Kyiv, 23-08-2024, Selling
Куплю апіліфт 2
I will buy an apilift for my own apiary. Write or call with offers only if the product is available.
Medovy Sad,Volyn region., 23-08-2024, I will buy
Nicot набор для вывода маток
800 UAH.
Nicot set for removing queens| ||819
Александр, Odessa region., 22-08-2024, Selling
Jenter набор для вывода маток 5| ||839
1200 UAH.
Jenter kit for removing queens
Aleksandr,Odessa region., 22-08-2024, Selling
Дешево! Продам Дым-Пушку для окуривания пчел (самодельную)
200 UAH.
I will sell a homemade smoke cannon for fumigating bees for cheap. Instructions for using the device will be sent together with the smoke cannon. There is also...
Olga,Vinnytsia region., 22-08-2024, Selling
Електронавощювач 2
200 hryvnias.
Electronic waxer 220 V transformer for bee frames with control pedal
Vladimir Ivanovich,Cherkasskaya oblast., 21-08-2024, Selling
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