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Turkeys, turkey nest

Sale of turkeys, turkeys wholesale and retail: 67 actual ones announced by Ukrainian poultry breeders with direct contacts. "Agro-Ukraine" gives an excellent opportunity to buy turkeys and turkeys at a favorable price due to the wide selection offered and the absence of intermediaries. All ads are added for free, approximately in 1-2 minutes.
Total found, announced: 67. Shown: 1 - 20. Display mode:| ||334
Индоутята-шипуны 2-3недели 2
80 hryvnias.
Day-old and grown-up Indian ducklings are for sale 1 week 80 UAH 2 weeks 100 UAH 3 weeks UAH 120Price: UAH 80.
Nadezhda Nikolaevna,Kiev region., 12-10-2024, Sell/buy
Продаж гранула люцерни
17 UAH.
I have excellent high quality bird feed. Alfalfa pellets. The size is 6 mm. ForwardingPrice: UAH 17.
Viktoria,Sumy oblast., 12-10-2024, Will sell/buy
Индюшата биг-6. Производителя. Суточные и подростки 2
90 hryvnias.
Producer sells big-6 cross-country turkeys. Heavy broiler cross, broad-breasted, white plumage. With proper feeding, our ma...Price: UAH 90.
Maria Nikolaevna,Kyiv region., 09-10-2024, I will sell/buy
Продам фарш Индюшиный Крактол
40 hryvnias.
I will sell minced turkey "Kractol" face block 15 kg. Free delivery to Zaporozhye, Dnipro from 50 kg.Price: UAH 40.
Юлия,Zaporozhskaya oblast., 29-09-2024, Will sell/buy
Продам мясо из Европы 3
111 €
The company exporter from Poland offers deliveries from Poland and Europe of frozen meat - pork, beef and poultry (chicken, turkey, ducks, geese...
Nina Rogacka,Lviv region., 23-09-2024, Will sell/buy
Индюшата Хайбрид Грейд Мейкер (Канада) от производителя 2
80 UAH.
Hybrid Grade Maker turkeys are artificially created using the latest genetic technologies. Oh...
Oleksandr Vitalyevich,Odessa region., 21-09-2024, I will sell/buy
Добові індичата кросса Big-6 7
70 UAH.
PRODUCT QUALITY GUARANTEED!!! Big-6 cross country turkeys for sale The enterprise sells turkey chicks and hatching eggs of the Big-6 cross (the cost of hatching eggs is 4...
Sofia,Kiev region., 24-06-2024, Selling
Виробник! Добові індичата кросса Big-6 8
70 UAH.
PRODUCT QUALITY GUARANTEED!!! The enterprise sells turkey chicks and hatching eggs of the Big-6 cross (the cost of hatching eggs is 50 hryvnias) We grow quality...
Sofia,Dnepropetrovsk region., 24-06-2024, Selling
Индюшата БИГ-6 Новоград, Ровно, Дубно
95 hryvnias.
Turkeys broiler BIG-6, heavy cross. Daily turkey delivery by prior appointment.
Lyudmila,Rovno region., 13-06-2024, Selling
Індичата бройлерні. Прямі поставки з ферми
95 hryvnias.
From March 2023, broiler white heavy cross turkeys are on sale. With high-quality feeding and timely prevention with veterinary drugs, the female weighs 11-15 kg...
Lyudmila,Vinnytsia region., 13-06-2024, I will sell
Індичата бройлерні тяжкого кросу Київ, Житомир, Біла Церква, Васильков, Вінниця, Ровно
95 hryvnias.
Broiler turkeys of heavy cross country. On sale from March 2023. With proper feeding, females reach a weight of 11-15 kg, males 18-24 kg. Turkey device...
Lyudmila,Kyiv region., 13-06-2024, I will sell
Індичата бройлерні тяжкого кросу БІГ-6. Новоград-Волинський, Рівно, Дубно
95 UAH.
Poultry farm sells broiler turkeys of heavy cross. Day-old turkeys are resistant to diseases, the mother flock is vaccinated. Adult males 23-27 kg, ...
Lyudmila,Rovno region., 13-06-2024, Selling
БИГ-6 индюшата. Винница, Калиновка, Бердичев
95 UAH.
BYG-6, daily rent. Broiler heavy broad-breasted turkey, with a body weight of 15-24 kg (turkey - 12-15 kg). At the age of 6 months, with the correct sod...
Lyudmila,Vinnytsia region., 13-06-2024, Selling
Индюшата БИГ-6 Васильков, Белая Церковь, Фастов Доставка бесплатно
95 hryvnias.
Big-6 broiler turkeys. Heavy cross, white plumage. Delivery. Pre-registration. No prepayments. Preparations, consultations.
Lyudmila,Kyiv, 13-06-2024, I will sell
БИГ-6 Индюшата суточные
95 UAH.
Turkeys daily. An adult bird with a body weight of 18-30 kg (turkey - 15 kg). At the age of 6 months, with proper maintenance, a mass of turkeys can d...
Lyudmila,Kyiv, 13-06-2024, Selling
БИГ 6 индюшата суточные Житомир, Новоград-Волынский, Ровно
UAH 95.
BIG-6 day-old turkeys, white, broad-breasted, broiler. The mother herd is vaccinated. Pre-registration. Delivery to Makarov, Zhytomyr, Berdychev, Koros...
Lyudmila,Zhytomyr region., 13-06-2024, I will sell
Індичата-бройлери тяжкого кросу БІГ-6
95 UAH.
Sale of day-old turkeys of heavy cross Big-6. The plumage is white, a wide fillet part of the body, a small head, short massive paws. An adult turkey still...
Lyudmila,Vinnytsia region., 13-06-2024, I will sell
Індичата добові Біг-6. Ємільчино, Овруч, Олевськ
95 hryvnias.
Day-old turkeys of heavy cross country Big-6. White broilers. The mother herd is vaccinated against infections. The weight of an adult turkey is 11-15 kg, turkey 18-24 kg. Recommended...
Lyudmila,Zhytomyr region., 13-06-2024, Selling
Біг-6. Індичата добові. Вараш, Костопіль, Березно, Олександрія
95 hryvnias.
We offer daily Big-6 heavy cross country turkeys. White, broiler turkeys. The mother herd is vaccinated. The bird is adapted to the temperatures of Ukraine. At ...
Lyudmila,Rovenska region., 13-06-2024, I will sell
Індичата ПІДРОЩЕНІ бройлерні тяжкого кросу БІГ-6
250 UAH.
Grown-up Big-6 turkeys. Drink by age. On sale at the beginning of June. Delivery to Rivne.
Lyudmila,Vinnytsia region., 13-06-2024, Selling
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