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Veterinary preparations

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Средство для содержания животных в чистоте Provilan - 1 л
480 UAH.
LUCAA+ Pets Stay Cleaner An environmentally safe means of maintaining your home's living space pet (toys, basket, etc.) in ...Price: UAH 480.
Innovations for animals,Киев, 21-08-2024, Sell/buy
Противоаллергическое средство для домашних животных Provilan - 300мл
290 UAH.
Pets Allegry Free Prophylactic spray, specially designed to combat various allergies reactions Effectively acts on all organic allergies...Price: UAH 290.
Innovations for animals,Kyiv, 21-08-2024, I will sell/buy
Средство для устранения запахов от органических соединений Provilan - 300мл
320 UAH.|| |329
LUCAA+ Odor Remover Екологічно безпечний спрей, створений для ефективного та швидкого усунення органічних речовин, які є причиною неприємних запа... Price: UAH 320.
Innovations for animals,Kyiv|| |337, 21-08-2024, Продам / купить
Средство по уходу за лапами- Provilan -100мл
320 UAH.
LUCAA+ Pets Wound Care An environmentally safe solution, specially designed for cleaning wounds of any kind organic pollution. Thanks to its eco...Price: UAH 320.
Innovations for animals,Kyiv, 08-21-2024, Sell/buy
Комплексный микробиологический препарат XXI века для животных и птиц 2|| |394
35 UAH.
Complex microbiological preparation of the XXI century for animals and birds. A complex microbiological preparation for animals and birds of the XXI century has been prepared...
Sergey Anatolevych,Odessa region., 20-08-2024, I will sell/buy
Цеоклин Минеральная Добавка-Сорбент 8
15 UAH.
Vomiting Diarrhea Cleansing the body Wounds Burns Infection Tumors Skin diseases Osteoporosis Restoration of bone tissue prevention treatment Recovered...
Health without Pharmacy,Dnipropetrovsk Region., 20-08-2024, Sell/Buy
Афлуксид - антидиарейная кормовая добавка
249 грн.
Afluxide is an effective anti-diarrheal feed additive used to normalize digestive processes in farm animals in the...
Andrey,Kiev region., 19-08-2024, I will sell
Продам подстилка для животных и птиц (свиней, кур, гусей, телят, КРС) 1 кг
1500 hryvnias.
Litter for animals reduces the cost of their maintenance by 7 times and increases the profit after only 5 days with the help of new ECO technologies Biofarm - ...
Bioferm,Cherkasskaya oblast., 17-08-2024, Selling
Пробиотик жидкий для животноводства коровы, свиньи, козы, овцы, лошади и др
132 грн.
Application of probiotic feed additive Biofarm FOR ANIMALS (cows, pigs, goats, sheep, horses, etc.) price of 0.5 l - UAH 132 A living organism...
Bioferm,Cherkasskaya oblast., 17-08-2024, Selling
Пробиотик для птицеводства кур, уток, кур-несушек, индюков и т.д
132 hryvnias.
Bioferm probiotic feed supplement FOR POULTRY BREEDING price of 0.5 l - UAH 132 A living organism is closely related to beneficial microflora. Pa...
Bioferm,Cherkasskaya oblast., 17-08-2024, Selling
Beta-A - Варроа деструктор
800 UAH.
Beta-A is a natural, environmentally friendly and safe drug based on beta/alpha hop acid against varroatosis, reduces the level of Varroa infection by...
Microbioserum/MelliBorum,Kiev, 31-07-2024, Selling
BAC T45 - деструктор воскової молі
800 hryvnias.
BAC T45 - a natural preparation containing Bacillus thuringiensis bacteria, destroys only larvae of the large wax moth, prevents further damage...
Microbioserum/MelliBorum,Kiev, 31-07-2024, Selling
AFB-2 - препарат від гнильца
800 UAH.
AFB-2 - a two-component preparation for the treatment of rot (Protic acid(A)+Chlorate(B) The ready-to-use preparation is an aqueous solution, ...
Microbioserum/MelliBorum,Kyiv, 31-07-2024, Selling
Chitosan-S - антивірусний препарат препарат проти аскосферозу, нозематозу, гнильця
1000 hryvnias.
Chitosan-S - a therapeutic and prophylactic drug based on the complex of chitosan from aerobes by spore-forming bacteria Bacillus subtilis . Drug...
Microbioserum/MelliBorum,Kyiv, 07-31-2024, Selling
Lithium complex - Варроа деструктор
1200 UAH.
Lithium complex - a lithium-based drug against varroatosis. Reduces infection of bees with varroatosis by 96-97%. The drug is intended for intra...
Microbioserum/MelliBorum,Kyiv, 07-31-2024, Selling || |685
M-CEL - препарат для попередження Синдрому руйнування бджолиної сім#039;ї
800 UAH.
M-CEL - unique, environmentally friendly , a natural, antiviral drug based on mushroom mycelium extract for the prevention of the syndrome of destruction of si...
Microbioserum/MelliBorum,Kiev, 31-07-2024, Продам
I-COM - препарат для стимуляції яйцекладки бджолиних маток та збільшення розплоду
800 hryvnias.
I-COM is a preparation based on cobalt, manganese and iodine salts to stimulate egg-laying of bee queens and increase brood. During autumn feeding...
Microbioserum/MelliBorum,Kyiv, 31-07-2024, Selling
Amino-18b - препарат для підгодовування бджіл
800 UAH.
Amino-18b - a natural, environmentally friendly and safe preparation from amino acids, vitamins, macro- and micro-elements, for complete feeding...
Microbioserum/MelliBorum,Kiev, 31 -07-2024, Selling
Осушитель подстилки для животноводства
25 hryvnias.
Replacement for imported products Desin Sorb, Dry Des, etc. odorless gray powder For whom: - cows and calves, sheep, goats - pigs - chickens, etc...
Oleksandr,Dnepropetrovsk region., 23-07-2024, Selling
Дезінфікуючий засіб приміщень в присутность тварин і птиці ЗООДІЗІН 2
650 UAH.
Price for 1 liter of concentrate AGRO-DOBRO LLC is an official dealer of PF TERMIT and offers a means for preventive, forced, current and final desi...
AGRO-DOBRO LLC, Dnepropetrovsk region., 23-07-2024, Selling
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Veterinary drugs in Ukraine
AR Krym 4* Винницкая обл. 2 Volyn region. 14* Dnepropetrovsk region. 12 Donetsk region. 39* Zhytomyr region. 3* Transcarpathian region. 2 Zaporozhskaya oblast. 10* Ivano-Frankivsk oblast. 1 Kiev 16 Kiev region.|| |878 3 Kirovohrad region. 2* Luhansk region| ||886 1* Lviv region. 27* Nikolaev region . 1* Odessa oblast. 4 Poltava region. 4 Roven region. 4 Sumskaya region. 16* Ternopil region. 2* Харьковская обл. 1 Kherson region. 15* Хмельницкая обл. 2 Cherkasska region. 5 Черниговская обл. 3* Cherniv region. 2