Monocalcium phosphate - highly effective, natural fodder additive in feed for domestic animals and birds.
With fodder supplemented with monocalcium phosphate, animals receive calcium and phosphorus, which contribute to the formation of hard bone tissue and the skeleton, improve the functions of the animal body, improve metabolism, and the work of the nervous, immune, and reproductive systems. Mineral
additives of this composition are suitable for all types of animals, but are especially recommended for feeding herbivores.
Monocalcium phosphate is fed in a mixture with concentrated fodder (concentrates), grain waste, silage,
jam, green mass of grasses, crushed root crops, wet mixtures or dissolved in cold water and given to the animal with a drink . Ego is introduced into the diet gradually over 5-10 days, starting with small doses.
Advantages of using monocalcium phosphate in the diet of animals
• Provides good fodder consumption.
• Increases animal productivity.
• Promotes rapid weight gain.
• Improves digestion, increasing the activity of digestive enzymes.
• Strengthens immunity.
• Promotes the recruitment of muscle mass.
• Ensures normal heart, nerve and muscle work
• Promotes the formation of hard bone tissue and skeleton.
• Protects the body from rickets, osteoporosis and osteomalacia.