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Repair of boilers and speakers# in Cherkassy, ​​Cherkassy region.
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Repair of boilers and speakers# in Cherkassy, ​​Cherkassy region.

Price450 UAH.
Region:all of Ukraine, Cherkasskaya oblast. (Cherkassy )
We repair gas boilers and columns in Cherkasy and the region. We serve
boilers of domestic production (Zhytomyr, Mayak, Termobar, Aton, Danko, etc.). Cleaningboiler from dust and soot, eliminating malfunctions related to boiler operation, checking and adjusting boiler parameters, preparing for the heating season, annual maintenance of boilers.
Warranty and post-warranty maintenance of gas equipment
Professional consultation and diagnostics of gas equipment.(//tractor-service.com)
You can find out more details by calling:
0966511052, 0988041581

Company site: http://teploservis68.com.ua (copy and paste in Google).
Author, contacts
Vasily Stanislavovych / отзывы, инфо. / activity evaluation
Phone: 0966xxxxxx| ||186 показать
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Ad ID: #92679 (added by a registered user, registration date: 01-22-2012)
Added / Updated: 08-23-2024 19:45  (relevant, until: 08-23-2025)
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