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 / Fertilizers and plant protection products  / Organic fertilizers  / Increases plant immunity to diseases...
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Increases immunity of plants to diseases, acceleration of germination, development and ripening, 1l, Dnipropetrovsk region.
Підвищує імунітет рослин до захворювань, прискорення проростання, розвитку і дозрівання, 1л
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Increases immunity of plants to diseases, acceleration of germination, development and ripening, 1l, Dnipropetrovsk region.

Price180 UAH.
Region :all of Ukraine, Dnipropetrovsk region. (Dnipropetrovsk region, city of Dnipro w/m Topolya-2)
TOV AGRO-DOBRO is an official dealer of PF TERMIT and offers highly effective organic fertilizer for root and foliar feeding of agricultural plants, pre-sowing treatment of seeds, rooting of cuttings and seedlings Increases plant immunity to diseases, frost and drought.

Compositionfertilizers :

Humates - 8-12%

Total nitrogen - 0.1-3.0%

Potassium in terms of K2O - 1-3%

Iron - 1700-7000 mg/l(//tractor-service.com)

Manganese - 750-3000 mg/l

Boron - 500-2000 mg/l

Zinc - 400-1000 mg/l

Copper - 125-500 mg/l

Cobalt - 5-50 mg/l

In the table for calculating the use of the drug, an example is given with the standard amount of application: (1 liter of fertilizer + 300 liters of water) = 1 ha of field treatment. Increasing the application rate to (2 liters of fertilizer + 300 liters of water) = 1 ha is recommended! Application of fertilizers GUARANTEES: - acceleration of germination, development and ripening; - strengthening of the immune system; - formation of a powerful root system; - increased frost and drought resistance; - increasing productivity and product quality; - increase in the content of sugars, vitamins, chlorophyll, oils, gluten; - increasing the effectiveness of mineral fertilizers; - intensification of exchange processes; - acceleration of absorption of nutrients and trace elements; - obtaining "environmentally clean" and safe products; The effect of organic humic fertilizer on the soil: - Reduction of the dose of mineral fertilizers; - Increase in fertility (increasecapacity of cationic exchange, buffering, reserves of organic matter); - Acceleration of the process of humification of plant residues; - Increasing the content of useful forms of microorganisms and elements of mineral nutrition (mobile phosphorus, exchangeable potassium and easily digestible nitrogen); -Acceleration of self-cleaning processes (decomposition of pesticides, poisonous chemicals, reduction of their absorption by plants; reduction of mobility of heavy metals); - Activation and normalization of soil microflora - Improvement of physical and chemical properties (improvement of ion exchange properties, water and gas balances, heat exchange, soil structure, erosion resistance);
Store, contacts
Svetlana Nikolaevna / отзывы, инфо. /estimation of activity
Phone: 0962xxxxxx show
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