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For sale salad, fresh greens, spicy herbs, Kharkiv region.
Продам салат, свежую зелень, пряные травы
For sale / buy

For sale salad, fresh greens, spicy herbs, Kharkiv region.

Price100 UAH.
Region:all of Ukraine, Kharkiv region.  (Kharkiv)
I will sell fresh salads: iceberg, romaine, frise, radicchio...
Fresh greens: onion,dill, parsley, sorrel,spinach...
Spicy herbs.
Retail, wholesale, small wholesale
We ship to the second city by proven carriers (Gyunsel, night express)(//tractor-service.com)
Various forms of payment.

The company is a VAT payer, ready to work on non-cash basis (full package of documents).

To clarify prices and orders, call: 0961413614
We will be glad to cooperate.
Author, contacts
Natalya / отзывы, инфо.|| |172 /  activity evaluation
Phone: 0961xxxxxx show
Prepayment or super profitable price? Be sure to familiarize yourself with it!
Добавитьно|| |212
ID объявления: #798229 (added by a registered user, registration date: 10-21-2016)
Added/Updated: 05-06-2024 10:50  (current, until: 06-05-2025)
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