Fitodoctor - biological fungicide of a wide spectrum of action for the prevention and treatment of a complex of agricultural diseases, | ||152
плодово-ягідних, vegetable and decorative crops caused by phytopathogenic fungi and bacteria.
The composition of the drug: live cells and spores of the bacterium Bacillus subtilis of the improved strain BS323 with a live cell titer of at least 5x10^9 CFU/ml and the products of their metabolism: phytohormones, amino acids, antibiotics.
Protection against diseases
Potatoes: late blight, rhizoctoniosis, wilting, dry and wet tuber rot, alternariosis, macrosporiosis.
Cabbage: black leg, vascular bacteriosis.
Tomatoes: late blight, brown spot, alternariosis, root rot, bacterial cancer, fusarium wilt.
Cucumbers: powdery mildew, downy mildew, root rot, fusarium wilt, bacteriosis.
Fruit trees, bushes of berry crops and
grapes: powdery mildew, coccomycosis, fruit rot.
Winter cereals (wheat, rye), spring cereals (barley, wheat): mold and decay of seeds, root rot, snow mold of winter crops, powdery mildew, septoriosis, septoriosis, bacteriosis.
Legumes: пліснявіння та гниль насіння, кореневі гнилі, борошниста роса, аскохітоз, бактеріози, переноспороз.
Beetroot, rapeseed, flax: the whole complex of industrial crop diseases.
Fruits in storage: dry and wet rot, late blight, etc.
Certified Organic Standard according to the Standard for the production of auxiliary substances that can be used in organic agriculture and processing (taking into account the requirements of the Standard equivalent to EU Regulations 834/2007 and 889/2008)
Instructions for use and cost norms on the manufacturer's website -