Prescriber Tukan (Tukan) 1600 Bay Bay, Democratic, Poltava Region
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= Prescriber Tukan (Tukan) 1600 Buftum Tsean Democratic, Poltava Region
Region: all Ukraine, Poltavskaya Region = 12-02-2025 09: 13
Prescriber Tukan (Tukan) 1600 Baucteus, this democratic
Пресс-подборщик bale tucin Tukan 1600 Outlived grass. He picks the rock rolls of herbs and straws, presses the grassy of the masculine into rectangular bales and tie them gym=. Width 1.6 m, 10 t/h.
All of the work of work machines are very operative: selection, pressing, rejuvenation of bales.
Technical features:
Mechanical bangs.
Care of the tumles. (//
Electronic bars.
Set of Cross -UK -Taukov Croneness.
Sentence sensor of twine.
Датчик обрыва шпагата.
Fan blowing an encircling mechanism.
Fonor for work in the dark time
Копирует wheel Priser.
The Tukan Press-Subscriber 1600 will not give even when hitting the mechanism of indispensable objects-the system is reliably scratched. Technik is reminiscent in dear areas.
Come on, with the pleasure of all those who are interested, we will help you to choose the exit technical technique!