Technology in Dnipro - a large list Cultivator KSU 8, 4 (KPS)trailer cultivator KSU-8,4 (kps) with spring harrow in 2 rows and rollers trailed cultivator Reinforced KPS is a cultivator availableсерии КПС-8 + roller + 3-row spring Reinforced with a spring harrow and a roller wide-grip Cultivator KSU-8.4 (KPS). Cultivator KSU-8.4 for tractor 150-170 hp To prevent moisture evaporation, the soil after loosening should be slightly compacted. The rollers of the pre-sowing cultivator KSU -8.4 take care of this. Thanks to the compaction of the soil, the seedlings are optimally provided with moisture, which creates the best conditions for the appearance of uniform friendly seedlings, which means that it contributes to obtaining higher yields.
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Nikolai Romanovych / отзывы, инфо. / activity evaluation