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KMN cultivator (functional analogue of KRN cultivator), Dnipropetrovsk region.
Культиватор КМН (функциональный аналог культиватора КРН)
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KMN cultivator (functional analogue of KRN cultivator), Dnipropetrovsk region.

Region: Dnepropetrovsk region.
Updated:|| |134
Cultivator KMN (functionalanalogue cultivator KRN)
Cultivator KRN (KMN) is produced in the following modifications:
- КМН-5.6 (КРН cultivator) – hingedinter-row, 5.6 m width for processing inter-row 700 mm, 9 sections of working bodies;
- КМН-5.6-01 (КРН cultivator) – spring inter-row cultivator, 5.6 m width for processing 8 inter-row 700 mm at the same time and applyingfertilized , 9 sections of working bodies , equipped with a fat-screening device based on ATP-2 (according to customer orders).
- КМН -5.4 (KRN cultivator) – spring-mounted inter-row, 5.4 m working width for processing 12-row 450 mm, 13 sections of working bodies; 150
-КМН-5.4 -01(культиватор КРН) – навесной междурядный, шириной захвата 5.4 м для обработки 12-и междурядий и одновременно внесения удобрений , 13 секций рабочих органов, комплектуется туковысевающим аппаратом на базе АТП -2 ( по заказам потребителей)
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ID объявления: #559390 (added by a registered user, registration date: 09-11-2011)
Added/Updated: 08-15-2024 09:02  (relevant, until: 15-08-2025)
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