KRN cultivators KRN-4, 2, KRN-5, 6 в наличии сейчас, Dnepropetrovsk Region. 2, KRN-5, 6 в наличии сейчас, Dnepropetrovsk region.
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КРН культиваторы КРН-4, 2, КРН-5, 6 в наличии сейчас, Днепропетровская обл.
Price112 UAH.
Region: || |138Днепропетровская обл. (Dnepropetrovsk)
KRNcultivators KRN-4,2,KRN-5,6 в наличии сейчас cultivators KRN, KRNV (paw, fatty system, rack, razor, humpback). Transport to KRN. KRN-4,2, KRN-5,6 cultivators are available now. These cultivators are used for inter-row processing of plowed crops with simultaneous application of granular mineral fertilizers. Cultivators provide high-quality loosening of the soil between the rows to a given depth with the destruction of weeds.
I will sell spare parts for a cultivator, there are SECTIONS for a cultivator. SECTIONS reinforced on bearings, factory production. Reinforced sections on bearings appeared relatively recently, but already in several seasons of operation they have proven themselves well. Sections reinforced on bearings are suitable for KRN, KRNV cultivators, the most commonly used KRN-4,2, KRN-5,6. Cultivator assembly (sections) can be ordered separately, you can order a cultivator, and we already complete it, i.e. everything is individually made to order and immediately, since the entire assortment is available. The product is in stock, you can come to see it and pick it up right away if everything fits.(//
The price of the cultivator and its components is lower than the market price, since the product is direct from the factory without repurchases or intermediaries. Calculation based on the fact of delivery of goods, delivery or transportation by agreement.
В наличие есть разная сельхозтехника, agricultural sale of som. cutting rollers, harrows, rotary hoes, seed drills, precision seed drills, plow drills, cultivators, weeding cultivators, disc harrows, tooth harrows, spring harrows, precision seed drills, rolling rollers, hinged sprayers, cultivators, seed throwers, plows, huskers, discators, balers,
Сельхозтехника от украинского производителя! катки рубящие, бороны мотыги ротационные, сеялки зерновые, сеялка точного высева, сеялки пропашные, культиваторы, культиваторы прополочные, дисковые бороны,бороны зубовые, бороны пружинные, Сеялки точного высева катки прикатывающие, опрыскиватели навесные, культиваторы, зернометатели, плуги, лущильники, дискаторы, пресс-подборщики,
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Author, contacts
Nikolai Romanovych / отзывы, инфо. / activity assessment