Finishing of slopes of plastic windows and doors. 7 facts about slopes that everyone should know, Kyiv
Region:Kyiv (Kyiv)
Finishing slopes of plastic windows and doors. 7 facts about slopes that everyone who installed plastic windows should know. The first fact: finishing of slopes of plastic windows must be done no later than 2 weeks after installing the windows; the second fact - restoration of slopes should be trusted to professionals; the third fact - the choice of material for the repair of slopes in each specific case is individual; fact four - it is better to cut the wallpaper around the perimeter of the window by 5-10 centimeters if you choose to finish the slopes with plaster; the fifth fact - slopes are an important part of any room, so it is better to use quality materials tested by time; the sixth fact - the repair of a room or apartment should begin better with the finishing of slopes; fact seven - enjoy the warmth and aesthetics of plastic windows and slopes.
Finishing of slopes of plastic windows is made of plaster, plasterboard and plastic. Repair of internal and external slopes. We also offer complex and partial repairs of apartments, rooms and offices. Call and order repairs from us.