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Cultivator krn price / buy in Dnepropetrovsk KRN / krnv
Культиватор крн цена / купить в Днепропетровск КРН / крнв
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Cultivator krn price / buy in Dnepropetrovsk KRN / krnv

Price112 UAH.
Region: Dnepropetrovsk region. (Dnepropetrovsk)
Cultivator KRN-5.6: sale, price in Dnipropetrovsk. cultivator KRN-5.6 price, cultivator KRN-5.6, cultivator KRN 4.2, cultivator KRN-5.6 цена новый, cultivator KRN-5.6 price used, cultivator KRN-5.6 technical characteristics, cultivator KRN-5.6 instruction, cultivator KRN-5.6 red zirka. Information and photos of goods on the site are for informational purposes only. The cultivator is intended for inter-row cultivation and fertilizing of 8-row crops of corn, sunflower, castor and otherfall crops with 70 cm inter-row cultivation and for inter-row cultivation of 12-row crops of soybeans and beets, with rows 45 cm apart.
The cultivator is aggregated with tractors of the class 1.4 t.s.
It is delivered with or without a fat system - according to the buyer's order.
Productivity ha/h 5.6
Gripping width m 5.6
Number of processed
rows pcs. 8(//tractor-service.com)
Width between rows cm 70
The rate of seeding fat kg/ha is 50-250
Capacity of bunkers (total) dm3 384
Working speed km/h 5-10
Processing depth cm 6-16
Weight kg 880±25

To receive information about the cost, terms and conditions of delivery, please contact our company at the indicated telephone numbers. cutting rollers, harrows, rotary hoes, seed drills, precision seed drills, plow drills, cultivators, weeding cultivators, disc harrows, tooth harrows, spring harrows, precision seed drills, rolling rollers, hinged sprayers, cultivators, grain throwers, plows, huskers, diskers, balers,
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Ad ID: #514143 (added by registered by the user, registration date: 07-13-2011)
Added / Updated: 11-22-2024 10:30  (relevant, until: 11-22-2025)
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