Продажа СУ-8(М) гибрид по чертежам как УПС альтернатива, Харьковская обл.
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Sale SU-8(M) hybrid according to drawings as UPS alternative, Kharkiv region.
Price112 UAH.
Region:Kharkov region . (Kharkiv)
Kharkiv price/ Sale of SU-8( M) hybrid according to the drawings as a UPS, an alternative for sale of the SU-8, an analogue of the sample from the UPS, the price and the UPS 8 (SU-8M) VESNA-8,СПЧ-8 new, purchase SU-8 Hybrid / Planter SU-8M modernized Kharkov, Planter UPS modernized SU-8M Kharkov, planter su 8 for sale in Kharkov, buy a precision sowing planter cheaper than Vesta, SU-8/Hybrid 2016 seeders, pneumatic,сеялки точного высева UPS-8, SUPN seed drill sections, equipment, SU-8 hybrid, price of SU-8 seed drills SU-8 seeder, SU-6 analog seed drill. .UPS) new year 2016. New! universal seed drill, cheap, there are SUPN seed drills (SPC, UPS, VESTA, KPS, KRN, OP, ZM, LDH, BGR) Call and order - we will deliver today or tomorrow. Beware of prepayments - trust a verified company.
Delivery to the farm by phone.(//tractor-service.com)
Sincerely, Nikolay Romanovych m (099) (05)33(238), website (agroprodazha)
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Author, contacts
Nikolai Romanovych / отзывы, инфо. / activity assessment